Producer Notes
Greetings everyone,
We are currently working on Publish 99, which is full of new features we are really excited to share with you! As we announced at the 20th Anniversary Party in September, Publish 99 will introduce the next chapter in Britannia's history - Ultima Online: Endless Journey. For more details regarding Endless Journey and what you can expect from it please go here.
There are a few things that have come up that I would like to address with everyone. We have been experiencing issues related to MyUO and Atlantic that has resulted in turning off updates for MyUO on Atlantic. We are working on a solution for this problem, and will update you via when MyUO has been reactivated on Atlantic.
Another point I would like to bring up is related to shard transfer and Void Pool points. If you transfer and have a high status at the Void Pool you will not retain the same status.
As of right now the Advisor program has been suspended. I am looking into revising how the Advisor program operates and I am also looking for dedicated people that want to help others, so when we publish Endless Journey we can also restart the Advisor program. This is not meant to be anything negative to the current Advisors and most of them will return if they would like to.
I also need to stress this to everyone, please do not send any emails to us with your password in it. We will never ask for it, and if someone does, contact me immediately.
After we publish out Endless Journey we are going to do a bug publish, we would love your input as to which bugs you would like to see fixed the most. Please contact us with which bug you would like to see fixed the most so we can begin to prioritize them.
See you in Britannia,
Bonnie "Mesanna" Armstrong