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What patients can expect if they need hearing aids 

We want to share our philosophy on fitting hearing aids. First, many places leave it up to the patient to decide what hearing aid to buy, which is often based on what they can afford. This strategy does not take into consideration the patient's hearing needs.

When you refer your patients to Constance Brown for hearing aids, they will not only receive a complete hearing evaluation but also a hearing aid evaluation. During a hearing aid evaluation, we conduct an extensive interview with the patient and their communication partner to determine their expectations before even seeing the devices, as well as what fits with their lifestyle and what accommodations need to be made for them to be successful hearing aid users. The patient does not pick the specific device. The audiologist recommends a specific hearing aid that incorporates their needs discussed during the evaluation. We understand that hearing aids are not one size fits all and people do not fit into one style or even one manufacturer. Keep in mind, the most expensive hearing aid is not always the better choice, even if the patient can afford it. You can be assured that Constance Brown Hearing Centers will give your patients the best recommendation.
Constance Brown Hearing Centers, a higher degree of hearing care.

 Risk Assessment 

Evaluate your patient's risk for hearing loss by assessing co-morbidities and behavioral risk factors.  Use this simple questionnaire during an appointment to determine if a hearing evaluation is recommended.

Referral Form

Should you choose to refer to Constance Brown Hearing Centers, here is an easy to use referral form to provide the necessary information for us to schedule an appointment.


You are providing your patients with critical health information.  Make sure they receive the entire message.  Use these strategies to communicate with patients you know to have hearing difficulties or who exhibit risk factors.
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