Lutz Preparatory Weekly NEWSFLASH
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Lutz Preparatory School K-8 NEWSFLASH, V6 Issue 19, November 9, 2017
Dear Lutz Preparatory Families,

The Annual Storybook and Vocabulary Parade held last week was another huge success!  Our students and faculty love participating in the great educational activities at our school. 

Special thanks to Ms. Schoenfeld and the 2nd grade classes for hosting our Veterans Day Ceremony this morning.  It is great to be able to celebrate the men and woman that protect and serve this county! 

Thank you as always for your support and partnership in your child's education.  Go Bolts!


Bonnie Guertin
Director of Schools
Upcoming Week at a Glance:

Great American Teach-In Week:  Speakers periodically in classrooms throughout the week
  • Monday, November 13:
    • 7th Grade Field Trip
    • Mid Quarter Progress Reports Sent Home
  • Tuesday, November 14:
    • 7th Grade Field Trip
    • Fall Picture Retake Day - Uniforms REQUIRED - see details below
  • Wednesday, November 15:
    • 7th Grade Field Trip
    • Early Release Day, dismissal 
  • Thursday, November 16:
    • Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day (updated date)

Monday, November 20 - Friday November 24: 
Fall Break School and District Offices Closed

Volunteer Corner
Please click on the respective Sign Up Genius links in each section to assist.  Twenty five (25) hours per family are required each school year.

Picture Retake Volunteers Needed!
Please click HERE to sign up.

Gym Set Up/Break Down for Leadership Events
Please click HERE to sign up.

Junior Achievement Volunteers Needed for Multiple Grades
Please click HERE to sign up.

Picture Retake Day
If your student was absent on the original day or you would like retakes based on the first photo (student must bring original purchased photo package to school and return to photographer to attend retakes) they will have their photo taken on Tuesday, November 14, 2017 Uniform required for this yearbook photo.  

If you did not place an order during the first photo day, it is not too late.

Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day

Our next Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day has CHANGED from Wed. 11/15 (early dismissal day) to now THURSDAY, 11/16 (regular day) for those eligible students who sponsored the campaign.

Additional students can still participate!
Any students still wishing to participate in dress down days can turn in their donation of $6.00 to their teacher on Thursday, November 16, (funds still applying to Bolts of Blue Campaign).

Academic Calendar
Monthly Calendar
11/20-11/24 - Fall Break, School Closed

11/29 - 3rd Grade Gifted Field Trip

11/29 - Junior Achievement Training for Volunteers

11/30 - Board of Director's Meeting

11/30 - Brightest Bolt Ceremony

12/1 - 2nd Grade Field Trip

12/1 - Middle School Dance

12/4 - 6th Grade Field Trip (STEAM Classes)

12/5 - 4th Grade Field Trip

12/6 - Early Dismissal at Noon

12/7 - SMATH Night

12/9 - 8th Grade Pancake Event

12/12 - 2nd Grade Gifted Field Trip

12/13 - PTA Sponsored All Pro Dads Meeting

12/14 - Final Day for NJHS Shoe Drive Donations

12/22 - End of 2nd Quarter Grading Period (End of 1st Semester)

12/22 - 3rd Grade Field Trip

12/25-1/5 - Winter Break, School Closed

1/18 - Barnes and Nobel Literacy Night


Please see our website for full details.

Lost and Found
Our lost and found is OVERFLOWING - lots of water bottles, lunch boxes, sweaters, and jackets.  Please stop by to look for lost items.  All items will be donated the week before Thanksgiving break.  Please make sure your student's first and last names are on all items.

Thank you to PTA

Special thanks to our PTA for hosting a wonderful homecooked breakfast for our teachers and staff this week.  We appreciate everything you do to make our staff feel so special!


Save the Dates for Upcoming PTA Events

  • SMATH Night, Thursday, December 7th, 2017.  Flyer coming soon.
  • Annual Barnes and Noble Literacy Night, Thursday, January 18th, 2018

Bolt of Blue Silent Auction Item Pick-Up
If you were the lucky winning bidder of an item for the silent auction please contact Monica Dapcic to schedule your item pick-up.  If you still need to pay for your item please complete your check out process on Click Bid.

Click HERE to visit the school store.

Student Council will be hosting the first middle school dance of the school year on Friday, December 1st, 2017 from 6-9 PM.

Dance tickets are on sale every morning from 7:30-7:55 by the gym for $5.00 cash (no personal checks), PLEASE see a Student Council member to purchase your ticket.

The dance theme is Winter in Paradise with a dress code of Business Causal. What does that look like? Girls can wear jeans, nice shirts, dresses PLEASE no t-shirts and Boys can wear jeans, dress pants , collared shirts, PLEASE no athletic wear or T-shirts.

21st Century Skills
Self Direction

  • What are Self Directional Skills?
    • Students will be able to demonstrate their ability to understand and monitor their own learning.
  • Examples of Self Direction
    • Knowing strengths and needs
    • Interpret their own data
    • Set measurable goals and objectives
    • Attend to a task and focus without external reminders or extrinsic motivators.

The Leader in Me 7 Habits
  1. Be Proactive
  2. Begin with the End in Mind
  3. Put First Things First
  4. Think Win-Win
  5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
  6. Synergize
  7. Sharpen the Saw
Reporting Absences:
If your student will be absent for any reason, the preferred method of notification is to send an email to (you may also cc your student's teacher).  If needed, you may contact the attendance line at 428-7101 instead of sending an email - you do not need to do both methods.
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