A first attempt to improve and serve....
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Dear Lovely Clients,
This is a slightly more news-y letter, and so I'm reverting to more words and less images to insure that I reach you all by the first of September. 

Let's get the date-driven stuff out of the way.

CENTERED Practice: Sacral Motion is happening at Studio 26 on Sunday, September 17th from 1-4.
I will be reviewing the optimal biomechanics of the sacrum and taking us through CENTERED movement techniques to encourage and support healthy sacral dynamics. The teachers that have participated so far have appreciated the opportunity to sharpen their critical thinking, palpation, visual and sensory skills in a very supportive, attentive environment. I hope you can join us! 

If you haven't connected with me through MINDBODY online (click here and then search under Jennifer Sokolov), this month might be the time to take the plunge. I am here all of September, but will be traveling and either teaching or learning throughout October, November and December. There is never a rush, but my physical body mostly obeys the laws of physics and does require some advanced notice to book sessions. 

I've officially joined the Stillpoint Biodynamic Craniosacral Training starting in October of 2017. It's an extensive process, which will include a regular offering of free sessions to committed clients who either have expressed financial need or would like to participate to experience the breadth of this incredible work. It's like being held in the fullness of one's own potential so that undernourished parts of the self can remember and regenerate their wholeness. More on this after the first module which begins in October.

I will also be exploring (and potentially certifying) in several movement modalities to continue to grow and develop as a mover and healer. Check out Tim Anderson's work at Original Strength and Erwan Le Corre's work at MovNat. I've been incorporating some of the principles into movement sessions and the results have been high-five worthy. I'm thinking, in particular, of a very spectacular Tree Pose (you know who you are :). 

Here are 6 thoughts from a weeklong yoga retreat with Kofi Busia:
  • You can definitely do more than you think you can but probably less than you think you should.
  • Yoga's mission is to liberate and free the life force. Any other benefits are fringe benefits. 
  • When you enter the domain of woodchucks and birch trees, you immediately know what is utterly noble about the practice and what is completely ridiculous. 
  • Your body tells a story but not the story you think it does.
  • Consciousness is king, the body is queen, the heart the palace.
  • There is always and forever the chance to release into growth. 
I hope to see you all on the mat, the table, or under the Harvest Moon.

With folded palms,


Stay in Tune. Stay in Touch.

As my work develops and expands, I'll be using this letter to stay in touch; share new offerings, workshops, and opportunities; and announce blog postings and other writings as they unfold. But please also know that I understand completely if you are limiting your digital diet. You are always in my heart no matter what. 
Jennifer Sokolov has sought to advance embodiment, awareness, and expressiveness through Yoga, Pilates, and Intuitive Healing. She is a thought leader in the role the body plays in finding depth, meaning, and purpose in life. Her new blog Moving Toward Meaning is due to launch in the Fall of 2017. Currently, she teaches private sessions leading clients towards greater levels of physical, emotional and spiritual health. She also teaches Centered technique to Pilates and other movement professionals in the heart essence of her mentor Madeline Black. 

Copyright © 2017 Jennifer Sokolov, All rights reserved.

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Jennifer Sokolov · 185 Prospect Park SW · 208 · Brooklyn, NY 11218 · USA

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