House of Ariel Gate - Newsletter - The Season Of Betrothal
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By Apostle Natasha Grbich

"Set me as a seal upon your heart, As a seal upon your arm;
For love is as strong as death, Jealousy as cruel as the grave,
Its flames are flames of fire, A most vehement flame."
Song of Solomon 8:6

The world has just experienced a complete solar eclipse on Monday the 21 August 2017. This was at the very begining of the 40 days of repentance, just before the opening of the Gates of heaven, (Revelation 4), or the Courts of Heaven, at the Jewish New Year (Rosh HaShanah). At some point in this eclipse the circle around the moon was observed by the naked eye in what is called the “diamond phase” where the ring looks like a literal diamond engagement ring.

The bible speaks about the Holy Spirit being the seal of our salvation - which also translates to the "pledge", the "earnest", very much like the promise of an engagement ring. The Bride Groom-to-be promises (pledges) to provide the home and the rest (the needed provision for the Bride) by contracting to be betrothed or engaged.

"I will betroth you to Me forever;  Yes, I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and justice, in lovingkindness and mercy."
Hosea 2:19

I believe that in this present season of returning to the Lord (teshuvah), that the Lord is calling a devoted people, His own bridal company. This company are those who are ready to make a further and even deeper commitment to Himself and to one another. These are those who are making themselves ready and are preparing for their Bride Groom's coming - precisely as the world prepares to go into judgement and catastrophe. This is the company who are choosing to answer the decree of the Lord: I will betroth you to Me forever...

While some people are only focusing on the dark days ahead, the disasters about to happen, the economy about to collapse, the banking systems about to fail. For His Beloved Bride, those that only have eyes for Him, they are also focused - but their focus is like the dove in the book of the Songs of Solomon, on Him and on Him alone. Looking into the Face of Jesus where the light is.

There is a new sound being formed in the bridal company who are now in deep repentance and preparation - the Hebrew pattern shows a lengthly season of repentance before your Day in Court. Forty days speaks of the birthing of a nation - from the wilderness of the desert into the milk and honey of the Promised Land. We need to come up out of the wilderness of empty speech and confusion, to draw closer to the Lord in order to represent Him, and to speak for the nations who have no voice in His presence; and no representation in His courts. The Bridal company represents the Bride Groom - she is dressed with the ten coins on her head, this speaks of her ability to be that Representative and see to the Bride Groom's interests (the nations) while He is not yet present.

We are about to host our eight SUMMIT here in Johannesburg. The title could not be more appropriate for the season that we are in : SET ME AS A SEAL UPON YOUR HEART, from the Song of Solomon:8.6. We believe that this will be a turning point conference because we are in the middle of this very important season of repentance, because of what is going on in the world, because of the disasters and rumors of disasters. The Gates of Heaven will open just after this conference (20th of September) for the annual Court of Heaven to be seated and for all the books to be opened according to Daniel: 7.9

For those who have been called, make sure you are there to make good your appointment with God! 

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