
Humility and moving forward

     The political and socio-economic climate we are living in now is interesting. Many people are still living under rocks, not acknowledging that big movements are going on. Either people have been stirred to being emotionally heated, or they shut down due to being overwhelmed. With what's been happening in places like Charlottesville or in Texas with natural disasters - it's hard to keep your head under a rock. It's easy to feel hopeless in times like this, but what's the point?
     There are many spiritual revolutions happening at this time, and at Eagle Therapies there is a firm belief that what can help support us through this challenging time is our healthy relationship with our mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Many people are picking their heads up from the sand, no longer able to ignore and pretend that everything is fine. The first thing people feel is panic, because they realize how disconnected they are. When they begin researching things like stress relief, meditation, and yoga - certain people might feel curious, yet at the same time scared to branch out because they don't want to be the "odd man out". That's why community is important. Go out there and meet people who are doing like minded things. There is definitely support for recovering "consumerists". 
     Talking about spiritual movements, look at what happened with Standing Rock. It started off as an awareness movement of both Indigenous rights as well as  environmental awareness. This isn't the first time the US Government has allowed the desecration of Native lands, but when the Dakota Access Pipeline bulldozed over burial sites and Sundance grounds, Ladonna Brave Bull helped spear head the Sacred Stone camp turned protest camp. It created a large spiritual movement, which brought awareness to the power of prayer, led by the Elders of many First Nations. Yes, many other things tagged along with that movement, but the main point is that the simple act of prayer can have a butterfly effect. It goes back to peaceful protesting, being aware of the situation, and participating in something that's bigger than yourself without becoming overwhelmed. It's not everyone's job to be out in the streets or to travel to foreign places, but it is everyone's job to be aware of and act within their sphere of influence to things that make a difference in this world. Sometimes it's choosing to walk or bike instead of driving. Sometimes it's choosing to buy recycled bags and instead of using the plastic ones. Every step towards progress is a step in the right direction, and it makes a difference.
     It comes down to what you are doing in this world. If you were to die tomorrow, what would people say at your funeral? Are you living your life's purpose, doing what you came here to do? Or, are you aimlessly working a dead-end job with no spiritual fulfillment praying to make it until your next vacation? This is where we begin to feel like we can make a difference in this world. Feel the connection and stop feeling so alone. 

Song and Drum Circle at the Intuitive Wellness Center on
Sept 29th
from 6-8pm
The next Heart Centered Sound Circle is Sept 6th from 6-8 pm in Burke, VA
Ancestral Healing Circle - September Rendition
Sept 20th
in Burke, VA
from 6-8pm
Video from Global Drum Circle Satellite Event
Read more below!
This months Year of Ceremony is by Bhola Banstola: Ceremony of Awakening the Body and Embodying the Spirit
Sept 6th
Online Event
 “Peace will not come on the Earth until the circle of humanity is complete; until all four colors sit in the circle and share their teachings.” 
- Cherokee Elder on Medicine Wheel Prophecy

Global Synchronized Drum Prayer
    Speaking of events and things that make a difference, there was a historic event that took place this past Tuesday on August 29th. Eagle Therapies in partnership with the Intuitive Wellness Center was one of the registered sites as a satellite spot for the Global Synchronized Drum Prayer. There were over 520 registered sites across 100 different countries including New Zealand, Australia, New Guinea, China, Finland, Denmark, Peru, Brazil, France, South Africa, and Saudi Arabia. During the live broadcast, there were close to 8 million people tuned in to the Indigenous Wisdom Keepers as they led prayers for Global Peace. An organization named UNIFY helped hold Sacred Space for the spirit of Standing Rock (a calling together of all of the First Nations people) at Burning Man. They hosted many indigenous Elders as they shared stories, songs, and prayers to bring together in a global shared community for unity. Check out the audio to hear the original broadcast of what we listened to during that time, as well as their photo album of people all over the world participating. There is a reason why Elders are revered in many indigenous cultures, and it's time to revive their wisdom so we can learn to live in harmony with ourselves and come into right relationship with the world around us. 
     We hosted a prayer circle before-hand at the Intuitive Wellness Center an hour and a half before the broadcast took place. The way that we pray at Eagle Therapies is by embodying our intentions - singing, drumming, and laughing together. Here is a live broadcast from the Prayer Circle on Facebook and on Youtube. Sometimes stepping into your power means doing something new - going out of your comfort zone and checking out what's new, local, and in your area. We are proud to say that even though the event we hosted was free, with donations at the event and by private donation, we were able to donate over $250 to the Water Protector Legal Collective. We are blessed and filled with gratitude at the community that is surfacing around the DC area!
Drum and Song Circles and Heart Centered Sound Circles
    The Intuitive Wellness Center located in Burke, VA is the perfect location for both our Drum Circles as well as our Heart Centered Sound Circles. The Sound Circles are more structured with "rounds" of specific songs and song sheets. It's a 2 hour long ceremony with specific intention. The Drum Circles are more free form, giving space for jumping in and playing, allowing our inner children to come out and play. The Heart Centered Sound Circles are a welcoming event for those that would like to see what being is "sacred space" is all about. It celebrates us getting out of that "monkey brain" and into the intuitive part of ourselves. Besides, who doesn't want to bang on a drum and sing as if we're if we're in a car by ourselves?
     In case you're interested in looking at any pictures or video, there's plenty on our Eagle Therapies Facebook page or the youtube channel. All events are free, but done by donation. The donations go directly to helping keep the circles running, and is an act of sacred reciprocity. 

Shamanic Drum Paintings
     Interested in delving down a path of spirituality? One of the reasons why people are interested in Shamanism is because it is a path of "Direct Revelation" according to Sandra Ingerman and Hank Wesselman. You don't need to have someone talk directly to source/spirit/god/the universe - because you have the innate ability to facilitate this relationship on your own. One of the ways to begin this cultivation of something that is more sacred, it begins with a power object. For many beginning practitioners, a drum or rattle is a good start. In a shamanic cosmology, everything has a spirit. It's pretty hard to ignore a drum or rattle when you bring it to an event, and hence why they are easier for a beginner ceremonialist to develop a relationship with. Drums and rattles are a common sonic driver used in a practice called Shamanic Journeying.
     If a person is particularly lost and wants to seriously start their spiritual adventure, a Power Animal Retrieval can be done in order to retrieve a guide, and that guide can then be honored in a sacred drum. Stephanie of Eagle Therapies can paint this spirit and breathe life into an existing drum. If you don't already have a drum, you can purchase them at one of the events listed below at the Eagle Therapies events. Drums or rattles are always a set price, while the artwork and "Drum Awakening Ceremonies" are sliding scale based off of the size and intensity of the artwork.
Shamanic Journey Group and Eagle Therapies Events
     Since moving to the Intuitive Wellness Center, we will be restarting an old set of outlines at the Shamanic Journey group. We often have themes as well as "suggested journey topics" for each Journey Group meeting. We switched the dates, so now they begin at 6pm on Wednesday evenings in Burke, VA. It would be helpful to learn about Shamanic Journey before getting there so that not as many basic questions are asked - but we still WELCOME beginner journeyers! We currently do not have a "Shamanic Journeying Basics" class set up for September, but stay tuned for October dates. 
     The topic for the next few sessions will be our sacred containers, and how to keep them clean. Here is a list of Eagle Therapies Events for the next month:
Pagan Pride and Sound Baths! Oh My!
     Some highlights of what is going on in the surrounding communities include Peter Hess coming into town! He comes from Germany and teaches the wonderful art of Singing Bowls/Sound Healing. Normally one would have to travel to Germany in order to study with him, but here is a rare opportunity to go to a Sound Bath led by him as well as study with him. On Thursday Sept. 14th he will be doing a brief lecture as well as example of a Sound Bath. If interested in learning from Peter Hess, he will be teaching a workshop from Sept 15th - Sept 19th. It includes an 80 page instruction manual and practice worksheets. Singing bowls can be purchased through Peter Hess, but more information can be found through contacting him. If you are interested in more local and commonly occuring Sound Baths because you cannot attend those, feel free to check out the events by the Crystal Ashram.

Pagan Pride Day? Interested in learning about Earth Centered Spirituality? Interested in connecting with other people that celebrate the wheel of life and want to find out what it's all about? Pagan Pride Day is a place where you can explore such a thing! There are three Pagan Pride Days with Rituals, Vendors, and Classes all for your enjoyment/exploration. Not to be confused with Shamanism, Paganism is a religion that incorporates Gods/Goddesses into their Spiritual practice. Shamanism is a spiritual path and can be added to Paganism, but they are not one in the same. One can be considered a shamanic practitioner without being a pagan, and one can be a pagan without being a shamanic practitioner. Want to find out more? Come out to one of the events!
Other events in the area!
     So many fun things going on! Please check out some of the other wonderful events. Especially during this chaotic time, it is especially important to focus on community and strengthening the bonds between family members (blood and chosen family).
Aug 31st-Sept 4th - Interfusion Festival in Washington, DC
Sept 1-4th - Integrative Wellness Expo in Washington, DC
Sept 2nd - Greenbelt Labor Day Fest Drum Circle in Greenbelt, MD
Sept 2nd - Awakening our Womb Wisdom in Frederick, MD
Sept 3rd - Fairfax Monthly Sound Bath in Fairfax, VA
Sept 5th - Easton Monthly Sound Bath in Easton, MD
Sept 5th - Out and About Meetup for Pagans in Ellicott City, MD
Sept 5th - Reiki Share in Burke, VA
Sept 5th - Drum and Rhythm Circle in Columbia, MD
Sept 6th - Full Moon Labyrinth Walk in Frederick, MD
Sept 6th - Year of Ceremony with Bhola Banstola - Online event
Sept 6th - Bluberry Gardens Sound Bath in Ashton, MD
Sept 7th - Medicine for the People: Herbal approach to cold/flu in Berryville, VA
Sept 7th - Annapolis Monthly Sound Bath in Annapolis, MD
Sept 7-9th - Lumbee Days at NMAI in Washington, DC
Sept 8-10th Munay Ki Rites: Shamanic Initiation from Peru in Vienna, VA
Sept 9th - 2017 Virginia Indian Festival in Great Falls, VA
Sept 9th - Reiki Level 1 Certification in Burke, VA
Sept 9th - Ecstatic Dance at Edgewood Arts Center in Washington DC
Sept 9-10th - 34th Annual Native American Festival in Airville, PA
Sept 10th - September Earth Based Spirituality Service in Frederick, MD
Sept 10th - The Healing Cooperative in Fairfax, VA
Sept 10th - Takoma Park Folk Festival with Bele Bele in Chevy Chase, MD
Sept 12th - Reiki Share in Burke, VA
Sept 13th - Reiki Psychic Attunements in Burke, VA
Sept 14th - Evening with Peter Hess in Annapolis, MD
Sept 15-17th - Singing Bowls with Peter Hess in Annapolis, MD 
Sept 16th - Frederick Pagan Pride Day in Frederick, MD
Sept 16th - Circle of Light Drum Circle in Reston,VA
Sept 17th - DC Pagan Pride Day in Washington DC
Sept 20th - Establishing Healthy Boundaries in Burke, VA
Sept 21st - September Womens Circle in Washington DC
Sept 22nd - Transmissions Equinox with Woven Green in Arlington, VA
Sept 23rd - Soul Shine Equinox Drum Circle and Concert in Falls Church, VA
Sept 24th - Pathways Natural Living Expo in College Park, MD
Sept 24th - Despacho Ceremony in Harpers Ferry, WV
Sept 26th - Reiki Share in Burke, VA
Sept 30th - Northern VA Pagan Pride Day in Fairfax, VA
Oct 1 - Reiki Level 2 Certification in Burke, VA
Oct 5th - Full Moon Labyrinth Walk in Frederick, MD
Oct 10th - Wellness Rhythm Circles in Greenbelt, MD
Fly high, everyone! Blessings and Gratitude <3
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