Addition of ‘Settlement Number’ column into the Member Finances Report (within the MY ORGANISATION tab) to assist in settlement reconciliation.
TG Platform Competitions (training and documentation will be provided to various states next week on utilising the TG Platform Competitions module for Baseball)
Scheduled Releases: Week Commencing 4th September
TG Platform Membership
The team is focused on resolving outstanding issues in the Memberships module. These include:
Ability for clubs to extract their own form data (currently SportsTG is able to extract this information on your club’s behalf – Click here for the update related to this)
Membership number allocation
Improving the Registration Form account creation / login process
TG Platform Competitions
Training is commencing next week in various states on the Competitions module within TG Platform
Further documentation and communication will be distributed once this training has been completed
Customer Support
If you need assistance with TG Platform please navigate to our link here to access help articles or submit a support request:
When submitting a support ticket, please provide us with the workflow and any relevant screenshots so that our Support team are able to assist as fast as possible
Previous TG Platform Updates
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