Looking back at the last couple of weeks in the Creekwatcher world.
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Creekwatcher Currents: September 2017

Good morning, Creekwatchers! We're transitioning to autumn and winding down the season now, which means that chlorophyll a sampling will conclude at the end of the month (SP 14 is the final chlorophyll a sampling period of the season).

Also, we'll slow down a bit this month to catch up and enjoy some tasty eats at the End of Summer Picnic on September 23.

Lastly, looking ahead, please change your calendars; our End of Season Potluck at Trap Pond State Park will be held on Thursday, November 9 instead of Friday, November 10.

Thanks, and Happy Creekwatching!

Beth Wasden
Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator
We've posted some photos recently of Creekwatchers on our Facebook page. Please note that you do not need an account to view these albums.
End of Summer Picnic
Saturday, September 23 from 12-2PM

Hosts: Bob & Bonnie Kijewski
12057 Laurel Rd, Laurel, DE 19956 |

The postcards have been sent out, and I've heard from some of you. If you have not responded yet, please do so soon.

We'll gather on Saturday, September 23 at Bob & Bonnie Kijewski's home on the James Branch,  to catch up and to eat well! We'll provide hamburgers, hot dogs, and veggie burgers but ask that you bring a side, dessert, or drink. Guests are welcome.

Please RSVP by completing a brief Google form.
September 23: End of Summer Picnic

September 24-25: Sampling Period 14
BLANKS/DUPES: Fishing Bay HW (one site)
Final chlorophyll a sampling period

September 30: Backyard Conservation Workshop at Georgetown Public Library (a Reclaim Our River Series event) | Full | Waiting list available

September 30: Nanticoke Heritage Festival at Woodland Park

October 1-5 and October 15-22: Beth away

October 7: Tree Planting in Laurel (HELP NEEDED!! Please spread the word.)

October 8: Rain Garden Dedication at Old Trinity Church

**ATTN! Date change!**
End of Season Potluck will now be held on Thursday, November 9!
Date change!
Please update your calendars. The End of Season Potluck will be held on Thursday, November 9 instead of Friday, November 10.
That's it for this month's Creekwatcher Currents! Thanks for reading.
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