President's Message
Just four weeks into our new year, there already is much news to share in this first 2017-18 edition of the BSU Insider -- and also much to take pride in and be thankful for. Many of our fall activities rely on not only the skilled planning and hard work of staff, but also scores of faculty and staff volunteers.
For example, I am so grateful to all who stepped up on Aug. 31 to make Community Appreciation Day a great success. We hosted more than 3,000 community members on a beautiful evening. That would not have been possible without the help of everyone who made this BSU tradition both fun and informative for our guests. I am equally appreciative of the many faculty who took part in an impressive Convocation ceremony on Aug. 19, as well as all the employees who rolled up their sleeves for Move-In Day and Orientation. I heard from several parents who complimented BSU on how smoothly things went for them and their students.
Homecoming is fast approaching, Sept. 22-24, and another fine Honors Lecture Series is about to get underway. Our strategic planning work is on track for completion by December, and we will begin sharing preliminary activities within five goal areas later this month.
Read about that and lots of other important and exciting developments below. Your commitment to giving our students an outstanding learning experience is evident in all you do for them and this university. Thank you!

Faith Hensrud, Ed.D.
Commentary: state must invest to maintain academic excellence
In August, President Hensrud spoke of the need for Minnesota's legislature to fully support and fund the state's systems of higher education in a column for the Bemidji Pioneer.
Dragon Boat Team Finishes Eighth Overall
Bemidji State's team competing in the city's 12th Annual Lake Bemidji Dragon Boat Festival, Aug. 2-5 on Lake Bemidji, finished eighth overall out of 52 boats — the team's second consecutive eighth-place finish. The team also participated in the festival's Friday-night sprint races for the first time, finishing sixth out of 14 teams.
Fall Honors Council Lecture Series begins Sept. 14
Carl Isaacson, assistant professor of environmental, Earth and space studies, will deliver the first of six presentations scheduled for the Honors Program's fall Honors Council Lecture Series on Sept. 14.
BSU expecting slight enrollment increase
Bemidji State's enrollment on the 10th day of fall classes show modest increases in headcount enrollment, credit generation and FTE enrollment. Headcount has increased 1.1 percent to 4,919; credit generation has increased by 0.8 percent to 59,493, and FTE enrollment is up 1.1 percent to 4,039.
BSU's official fall enrollment numbers are taken on the 30th day of fall classes, which this year falls on Oct. 3.
Input Sought as Strategic Plan
Moves Toward a January Launch
Bemidji State’s new Strategic Plan, expected to look ahead five years, remains on schedule for completion by December and implementation in January. Subgoals and key activities within five goal areas will be shared this month with campus bargaining units and the BSU Alumni & Foundation Board. After incorporation of their input, the plan will be shared on the university’s website, with an invitation to share comments through an online form. Feedback will continue at an all-campus meeting before the plan is finished. The major goal areas are: leveraging themes of place for branding and recruitment, increasing American Indian student enrollment and graduation, increasing student engagement, infusing BSU’s shared values into all academic programs, and establishing a diverse and welcoming university culture.
Physical Plant Manager Travis Barnes (far right) explains water damage in the basement of Hagg-Sauer, which was built close to the water table.
Hagg-Sauer Replacement is Tops
On Minnesota State Bonding List
After not being included for state bond funding in the past two sessions of the Minnesota Legislature, $22.5 million for replacement of Hagg-Sauer Hall with a new academic learning center is now No. 1 on the Minnesota State system’s priority list of standalone projects for 2018. Members of the Minnesota House Capital Appropriations Committee toured the existing building on Aug. 16 and heard about its problems with millions of dollars in deferred maintenance, poor access for the disabled, unused space and outdated technology. A State Senate committee is also expected to visit Bemidji and tour the projects, which includes renovation in A.C. Clark library, Bangsberg Fine Arts Complex and Bensen and Sattgast halls for creation of new faculty offices.
Minnesota tribal college students have clear pathway
to BSU through new dual-enrollment agreements
Students at Minnesota’s tribal colleges have unprecedented access to a four-year baccalaureate education through a historic collaboration with BSU. President Hensrud joined presidents from the four partner tribal colleges at a May 12 signing ceremony in the American Indian Resource Center.
Under the agreements, BSU will admit tribal college students after they complete 24 transferrable credits. After completing their associate of arts, associate of science or associate of applied science degrees, they will seamlessly transfer to BSU with junior academic standing.
Scholarship program will improve
American Indian representation in nursing
Bemidji State has begun a four-year project to improve diversity in the nation’s nursing workforce by offering significant scholarships and financial support to as many as 12 American Indian nursing students.
Students participating in the Niganawenimaanaanig project — an Ojibwe word meaning “we take care of them” — will receive $4,000 scholarships and monthly $500 stipends for meeting specific program requirements such as weekly meetings and goal-setting sessions with a faculty mentor, participation in scheduled activities and attending tutoring or study sessions for courses in which they have a grade of C or lower. Students will also be provided with supplies required by the nursing program.
New academic program will bring indigenous knowledge into sustainability efforts
In January, Bemidji State will launch a new academic program that brings indigenous knowledge and perspectives into the university’s sustainability efforts.
The Gwayakochigewin (GWAY-ah-ko-chee-GAY-win) Collaborative — named after an Ojibwe word which means “making things right” — joins the university’s Office of Sustainability, American Indian Resource Center, Center for Environment, Earth, Economics and Space Studies and Department of Languages and Indigenous Studies to create a unique co-curricular program that will fold traditional viewpoints into a modern view of sustainability.
The project is made possible by a $600,000 grant from the Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies.
Housing & Residential Life Unveils Remodeled, Expanded Student Weapon Storage Room in Walnut Hall
Bemidji State has significantly expanded its capacity for on-campus weapon storage to better serve resident students who take advantage of the outdoor activities available in Minnesota’s north woods. A total of 123 lockers are available in the lower level of Walnut Hall, more than doubling the university’s previous capacity for secure on-campus weapon storage. The facility includes special ventilation systems to reduce the risk of rust. Each locker was custom built by university facilities personnel.
The storage room was featured in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune on Sept. 9.
Minnesota State Center of Excellence changes name, logo
The 360 Manufacturing and Applied Engineering ATE Regional Center of Excellence, led by Bemidji State, has changed its name to the Minnesota State Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence | ATE Regional Center. After the system rebranded in 2016, Minnesota State Centers of Excellence have begun the process of transitioning to new branding and identities.
The center's new name supports the Minnesota State brand and promotes cohesion amongst all centers and Minnesota State. The co-branded logo design is in effect through June 30, 2018, when the 360 logo will fall away permanently.
Tickets available for Sept. 22 Alumni & Foundation Honors Gala
Bemidji State University Alumni & Foundation invites the BSU campus community to attend its annual Honors Gala, Sept. 22 at Sanford Center. The event honors Alumni Award recipients, President's Society donors and Legacy Society members. Tickets for the event, which begins with a 5:30 social prior to the 6:30 p.m. black-tie-optional program, are $50. Reserve tickets online at
BSU's Swanson brothers finish ninth at
Bassmaster Championship on Lake Bemidji
Bemidji State's student duo of Mitch and Thor Swanson (pictured) finished ninth out of 90 teams at the Bassmaster College Series National Championships, held Aug. 10-12 on Lake Bemidji. BSU's Luke Gillund and Robbie Troje finished 35th.
Grad student spends summer researching
trout and beaver habitats on North Shore
Bemidji State graduate student Kathryn Renik spent her summer researching the relationship between beaver habitats and brook trout across Lake Superior’s North Shore.
Renik and research assistant Kylie St. Peter, a senior aquatic biology major from Bemidji, analyzed 30 streams and 10 beaver habitats to kick off a two-year cooperative project between Bemidji State and the University of Minnesota Duluth. Renik will return to complete her research next summer.
- President Hensrud officially kicked off the 2017-18 academic year with the traditional President's Welcome Breakfast on Aug. 15.
- The American Indian Resource Center held its traditional Day of Welcome to open the fall semester on Aug. 23.
- Hundreds of students moved into their new homes on Aug. 18 for Move-In Day to begin Orientation and Welcome Week.
- BSU hosted hundreds of employees representing all of the Minnesota State system’s 37 colleges and universities for the 2017 Frontline Conference, May 24-25.
- Students, faculty, administrators and parents gathered in the BSU Gymnasium Aug. 18, for BSU's annual Convocation for new students.
Students at center of new athletics broadcasting agreement
with Department of Integrated Media
In June, BSU's Department of Athletics announced a new broadcasting partnership with the Department of Integrated Media that will deliver more than 100 Beaver Athletics events to a worldwide audience beginning this fall.
The live productions will put BSU students at the center of the broadcasts, providing hands-on learning. In addition to home football and men’s and women’s basketball games, which KBSU TV-17 has carried for more than 15 years, the Department of Integrated Media is now the official broadcast home for Beaver men’s and women’s hockey, baseball, softball and soccer.