“From Brexit, to U.S., to Moldova, to Bulgaria, and to many other parts of the world where there have not been recent elections, one thing that we have seen is that these results show deep citizen distrust of government, that they feel is ruled by an elite that is either living in a cocoon or is captured by special interests. There is something very directly that the OGP community, right here, can do to address that citizen distrust. But it will mean doing things differently. It will mean that we need to complement the work we’ve been doing on open data and transparency, and which will continue to be foundational, to now make a big push on deeper citizen participation in policy making and service delivery, so they (citizens) start trusting government.”
Quote of the Month: Sanjay Pradhan, OGP CEO
Civil Society Fireside Chat at #OGP16
Click on the video to listen to the full conversation on trust and civil society.