JavaScript Alternatives

JavaScript is the stuff of which many interactive web clients is made, but it comes with a fair amount of historical ballast. The creators of four alternative scripting languages seek to ditch the ballast. (more)

Largest Open Source Summit to Date Around the Corner

LinuxCon is now Open Source Summit. (more)

Reddit Closing Doors to Open Source

The peanut gallery of the Internet is closing its open source repository. (more)


The lean PhotoQt tries to join the ranks of modern image viewers, but it's still not very stable. (more)


Disk Tests

When it comes to cheap flash memory, buyers should beware. Fake flash memory often offers only a fraction of the advertised storage capacity. With no visible calibration mark, it isn't easy to discover a counterfeit. Here's a test to weed out fake disks. (more)

SQL Server Comes to RHEL; OpenShift Comes to Azure

Microsoft and Red Hat expand their partnership. (more)

Nextcloud Education Edition: File Hosting for Schools

Nextcloud, a fork of the ownCloud file hosting service, has released a version for university and research institutions that was created in cooperation with partners in open source and higher education. (more)


LISA is the annual vendor-neutral meeting place for the wider system administration community. At LISA, systems engineering and operations professionals share real-world knowledge about designing, building, and maintaining the critical systems of our interconnected world. The LISA17 program will address traditional and modern IT operations and engineering. Click here to learn more!


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