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Inspired by Life Banner
What's on my mind


Pilgrim PhotoOne year ago our beloved dog Pilgrim passed away unexpectedly. I was reflecting today on the year of “life” that has happened in these 365 days since then. Pilgrim’s passing was the first time that I had experienced the loss of an animal without guilt, fear or shaming myself for not trying to do more to keep him alive. Of course, I had been working with Danielle MacKinnon for quite some time at that point and had the value of her insight which had caused major shifts in my life.

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Inspired by Nature
Butterfly on butterfly bushThis time of year it isn’t very hard for me to find inspiration in nature. Every day I try and spend some time doing a walking meditation in the garden. My only goal is to stay present to my surroundings and to notice the beauty all around me. Everywhere I look throughout my garden I see a symphony of life all working together in perfect order. The bees, birds, flowers and trees all seem to be in complete harmony and cooperation. Today I became mesmerized by watching a kaleidoscope of butterflies drinking nectar and making their way from flower to flower. I was struck by the calm that descended on me in those moments. I felt at one with everything I was observing. It reminded me of how grounding, centering and inspiring it is to be out in nature – and how even just a few minutes spent in this energy can pull me back on track. So go out and enjoy a walk in nature today…even if it is only 5 minutes….you’ll be glad you did.

Inspired by the Word
I love books, and I must say, the only thing I like better than sitting down to read something inspiring is the joy that comes from sharing and discussing an amazing book with others! Hence my reason for adding this section to my monthly newsletter. What fun is it to read something life changing if you don’t share it with others and see if they feel the power of it resonate with them as well? My selection for this month is:
Animal Lessons
by Danielle MacKinnon.

Animal Lessons cover photoWhat is so amazing about this book is that Danielle has provided us all with a moving, helpful and inspiring book about how animals are always teaching us and working with us in amazing ways. I really feel that this book is a must read for anyone who has ever loved an animal, felt connected to an animal or even come in contact with an animal in anyway…I think that basically covers everyone! What I am trying to convey is that this is a book that will move you and open you up to seeing animals and their relationship with humans in a whole new light. It is superbly written in an easy to follow step by step narrative that draws you in and makes you want to keep turning the pages. I encourage you to pick up a copy of this book, and get ready to see your relationship with animals in a whole new light.
Inspirational Quote
I am always inspired by reading a quote or hearing a lyric that really stirs something in me. I think we all can recognize truth in whatever form it takes and it is that commonality that draws us to beautiful art, music or poetry. This month I was particularly moved by a quote I came across on a day and in a moment when I really needed it….I just love it when the universe steps in and gives me an awesome moment of synchronicity, seemingly from out of the blue!

“As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.”

Henry David Thoreau
Until next time, stay inspired!
Jennifer Jozwiak
Copyright © 2017 Jennifer Jozwiak, All rights reserved.

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