Word on the Street: PARK(ing) Day, Sunday Streets, WOBO Weekend, Bike Camping & More
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Tomorrow is PARK(ing) Day

Please join us in celebrating Oakland's PARK(ing) Day 2017 on Friday!

PARK(ing) Day is an annual, worldwide day where artists, businesses, and citizens transform parking spots into temporary public parks, art galleries, libraries and other interesting destinations. 

Find a parklet - or add yours - on our map.

Stop by some of these fun parklets: 
  • BANDALOOP and Luka's Taproom & Lounge are working together to offer a free public art performance on The Great Wall of Oakland. 
  •  Bonzing Skateboards is creating a parklet with a mini ramp and hot dogs on Grand Ave.
  • East Bay Meditation Center and Barefoot Yoga will lead free sessions at Michael Baker International.
  • Surprise spaces from Flight Deck and Hoden Restaurant & Bar. 
On Park(ing) Day, remember to pay the meter throughout the day and to stay safe on the streets. 

Sunday Streets Berkeley 

Join WOBO, Downtown Berkeley Association, Livable Berkeley and North Shattuck Association for the 6th edition of Sunday Streets Berkeley. We're looking for volunteers to be route rabbits, outreach ambassadors, and helpers on the day of the event to keep it fun and safe for the more than 30,000 people who will stroll and roll through 16 blocks of car-free Shattuck Avenue.  You won't want to miss it - we hear there will even be a pet parade! Volunteers get yummy treats from Sweet Greens and gift card from Sports Basement. Sign up to volunteer.  Sign up to host an activity along the route.  

Walk and Ride

We've got two of our most popular WOBO Weekend destinations coming up. On October 14, Oakland Urban Paths invites you to join Stan Dodson on a hike at Sausal Creek from the Dimond District, through Joaquin Miller Park and on to the Chabot Space and Science Center.  On the 15th, we will ride with the Oakland Museum of California's curators to significant sites of African American History.  Be sure to register early as this tour sold out last year!

Ride Like A Girl Campout

The 2017 Ride Like A Girl Series ended with an overnight bike camping trip! Nearly 30 participants -- ranging from 2 to 60+ years old -- joined WOBO and Bike East Bay on rides to Coyote Hills Regional Park for an overnight under the stars. This amazing group of women all spent the weekend challenging themselves, learning new skills, and making new friends. We look forward to further adventures with these women and to expanding the group next year. Let us know what you'd like to see in this series and if you'd like to get involved.
We'll See Ya There!
9/15: PARK(ing) Day

10/1: Oakland Gran Fondo

10/14 & 10/15: WOBO Weekend! Sausal Creek Hike on Saturday and African American History ride with OMCA on Sunday

10/15: Berkeley Sunday Streets
Let's Get Together!  

We are gathering a team of volunteers to cheer on the Gran Fondo bicyclists on the morning of October 1, 9am-12pm,and need all hands on deck for Berkeley Sunday Streets on 10/15.  Sound fun?

Sign up to help! 
Become a WOBO Member today with just the click of a button! Starting at $35 per year, you get a team of policy, community and advocacy champions who will stump for safe and accessible walking and bicycling in Oakland for all.
Join Now
Twitter Highlight:

Scraper Bike Team to host community dinner on 9/19 to discuss bike share, community art at BART, potholes, illegal dumping and other city infrastructure.
Quote Of The Month:

“If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress." 

- President Barack Obama
Don't be shy...
1330 Broadway 3rd Fl
Oakland, CA 94612
Copyright © 2017 Walk Oakland Bike Oakland, All rights reserved.

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