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If you wish to help us out with further information please fill in the remainder of the form, as 
in an effort to build a stronger, more interconnected community, we would love to know more about your key Jewish dates and milestones. This way we can better facilitate celebrations and commemorations for the times that are important to you.
Thank you!

Yahrzeit - To calculate a Yahrzeit Hebrew date, enter the date of your loved one's passing into this date converter: https://www.hebcal.com/converter/

Your information will be safely stored and utilised only by Kehilat Kolenu, and will not be passed onto any third parties.
* indicates required
In what year did you celebrate your Bar/Bat Mitzvah?
The name of the deceased
The Yahrzeit is commemorated on the Hebrew date of the person's passing. If you do not know the Hebrew date of the Yahrzeit, please see the instructions at the top of the form.
The name of the deceased
The Yahrzeit is commemorated on the Hebrew date of the person's passing. If you do not know the Hebrew date of the Yahrzeit, please see the instructions at the top of the form.
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