This is updated on a monthly basis, and represents the overall deliverables for the
business throughout that month.
SportsTG wishes to advise that an issue with the ability for the national level to process a refund of a transaction is still ongoing, our team are currently working on fixing this and will provide an update once resolved.
I’m trying to create a new account, and I receive an administrator error. How do I proceed?
If your members are receiving the below error message:
It is more than likely because they already have an account created. In this instance, we would recommend clicking ‘Already have an account? Login’ and complete a password reset. This will activate their account and allow the member to proceed through the registration form.
My member finances list is blank, what do I do?
Please ensure you have selected your organisation in the following screen here (select image to zoom):
Customer Support
If you need assistance with TG Platform please navigate to our link here to access help articles or submit a support request:
When submitting a support ticket, please provide us with the workflow and any relevant screenshots so that our Support team are able to assist as fast as possible
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