Continuing to Find Solutions 
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1997-2007…The Era of Energy Awareness

We continue our 4 part series sharing the story about Harbec over the last 40 years. Our  third decade ended the late 90’s and entered the 21st Century with continued growth in customer base and increased technical expertise. We survived the Y2k threat, economic slumps and other challenges while continuing to grow in size, capability and customer base. As we did, the amount of space dwindled and by the late 90s,  we needed to get serious about another expansion.

This expansion would prove to be an unexpected challenge that would eventually put us "on the map". It utilized years of president Bob Bechtold's personal experience, research, passion, efforts, and unending ambition. Bob reflects about his attempts to get funding, “Unfortunately, I made the mistake initially of over emphasizing the environment or ‘green’ aspects and how it would help to improve the future of our children and the planet. After several months of failure I realized that I was inadvertently branding myself as a burnt out hippy or a tree hugger and after being turned down by more than 30 banks between here and Ohio, I decided I needed a new way to ‘sell’ my proposal. After a few months and with the help of numbers I was able to get from the engineers, I presented a new proposal for the same project but only used financial reasons and economic benefits for doing it. This time they listened and took me seriously and the needed expansion of 17,000 feet and our first energy project got funding in 1999 and was completed and operational in 2001.”

During this decade, The Great Recession destroyed many companies. We were fortunate enough to hold strong, maintaining our customer base but experiencing significant reductions in orders. Having capabilities like on-site power and energy efficiency allowed us to keep extraneous costs to a minimum while trying to stay afloat during the recession.

The end of the decade brought on exciting exploration and developments in 3D printing. We had such confidence and excitement about this new technology that we were the first company in the US to receive an EOS machine. Today EOS continues to be a leader in the realm of additive technology.

Please read the complete blog and look for the 4th and final "chapter" in the next newsletter.

It’s Time to Make the Switch to Sustainable Manufacturing Practices

How and Why You Should Green Your Manufacturing Process

As environmental issues become more urgent, a growing number of consumers expect manufacturers to step up as part of the solution. But please don’t view these expectations as a burden. Almost any manufacturer, in any industry, can save on operating costs and enjoy increased revenue by joining the ranks of green manufacturers.  Use these tips to start your plant’s transition to sustainable manufacturing.

What Is Sustainable Manufacturing?

Sustainable manufacturing means creating products using methods that lessen the environmental impact of the process, while remaining commercially competitive. There’s no one way for a plant to be considered sustainable—instead, this term covers a range of practices, from general to industry-specific, that increase a plant’s eco-friendliness.

In the Words of a Sustainable Business…

We believe that like each individual, a business should assume responsibility for its action and impacts. If we use resources, we need to use them as efficiently as we can and if using them makes a mess or a negative impact, we need to be responsible for taking care of the mess, or avoiding it in the first place if possible.

-Bob Bechtold, President | HARBEC


Local social entrepreneurs flex muscles to meet global needs 

Right now in villages in Uganda, Nepal and other global locations, residents are using handheld, solar-powered devices to convert salt water into chlorine that’ll be used to sanitize drinking water in their rural homes.

The idea for the patent-pending device came from local couple Patrick and Elizabeth Shores, who sensed grassroots local partnership could help thousands access safe drinking water. The plastic cup-like device is manufactured by Harbec, Inc. in Ontario, Wayne County, and the chlorine catch bottles are made by Nalgene, based in Penfield.

   READ MORE: Democrat and Chronicle

From our Valued Customer...

We recently received the following and wanted to share:

The quality of the parts Harbec manufactures for us makes an immense impact the performance of the system (SRC Aether Scout) and can make the difference between performing flawlessly and not working at all.  I really appreciate you taking the time to make sure we are going to get parts that will work for us – the lives of the users of our product, as well as the lives of those they protect, depend on our product performing as expected.


Rob Cannon
Lead Mechanical Engineer
SRC, Inc.

Blast From the Past...

Here are a few articles from early '00s...

Press Release:

HARBEC, Inc. Purchases New CMM and Injection Molding Machines

We are experts in designing, prototyping and manufacturing products of the highest specifications, tightest tolerances and greatest quality.

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