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Dear friends, 

Greetings to you from Istanbul, on the anniversary of Gandhi's birthday! May his living example of nonviolence and truth continue to illumine our trying time. 

Between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox, the pilgrimage has led me across Germany, France, Spain, and Italy. I have spent about 3 to 4 weeks in each of these countries, knocking on strangers' doors, listening to their life stories, cycling on well-paved roads, sensing the social and economic "state of the union", saluting the mountains and lakes, and learning to commune in the sacred space of the heart.

I have stayed with over 20 families whom I didn't know, lived for 37 days in 6 different monasteries and communities. Every day on the pilgrimage leaves me ever more hopeful, through the kindness of strangers and the familiarity in the eyes of each passer-by. Here is a general reflection on the three months in Europe: some "stereotypes", Zeitgeist of the region, Dharma in the West, and nearing Home.

Thank you, and wishing you peace and patience on your journey!


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