There have been two road accidents in Cambodia in two days and we need prayers and support.
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Dear Supporters,
This year seems to be one of great need around the world.  At this time our hearts and prayers go out to the many people around the world who are hurting and in need.  It may seem like so much is going on that perhaps the needs of our ministry are small by comparison, but I still must ask for your help nonetheless.
At present, I am in the US on the opposite side of the world seeking to raise support for our organization and it causes me to feel helpless when things go wrong back in Cambodia.  My human emotions make things difficult for me even though I know that God works through all things.  However, I am blessed to know that I have a wonderful, strong wife who can handle anything and staff at Crossing Cambodia who are able to keep a cool head in a difficult situation.
On Monday as my wife was taking our children to school the strut supporting the front wheel of her car broke and she lost control of the vehicle.  Thankfully she was able to come to a stop without hitting anyone or anything and our children were safely strapped in with their seatbelts.  However it is still terrifying to be on the other side of the world when your shocked and shaken spouse calls to tell you about the accident and how scared my daughter was.  Thankfully my son, even at 6 years old, knew that he is currently the man of the house and bravely made sure to comfort his mother and sisters and remind them that everyone is ok.
And on Tuesday one of our staff at Crossing Cambodia was also involved in a road accident.  Heng, one of our Advocates, was driving the kids to school in our tuk-tuk when another vehicle collided with them on the side.  The children are thankfully ok, but Heng’s hand was crushed and now needs to be operated on.
We ask that if you are able please help us to cover the costs of his operation.  In Cambodia there is not vehicle or emergency insurance to cover medical bills and the other driver is already gone.  We don’t have the bills yet but it will likely cost several hundred dollars to pay for.  Heng is a valued member of our ministry who loves working with these children, but the cost of this medical bill will probably be more than what he makes in 2 or 3 months and so we are asking for help to cover this emergency need.  Heng only recently became a Christian and so we ask that you might help us show him what it means for Christians to be a community that cares for one another.  If you can donate even $10 to this need it would be greatly appreciated.
As per Sinuon’s car, we ask that you please pray for God’s direction and provision going forward.  The accident is unfortunately the result of negligence by a mechanic who had been working on that very wheel only the day before.  Either he repaired it wrong or failed to inform us of a very serious problem that needed immediate repair.  We have already been making plans to sell my jeep to put the money towards another truck to use with the farm ministry, however, now we are also without a vehicle for Sinuon to use with our 3 children.  Even after considerable expense to repair the wheel we cannot be sure how safe the car will be and so we’re going to need to sell it for whatever we can get and start looking for another vehicle.  The cost of 2 vehicles for the ministry may run as high as $20,000 and we’re only expecting to be able to get $7000 or $8000 for our two vehicles combined.  So please join us in praying that God will provide what is needed for this.

When so much in the world seems to be coming apart I need to fall back on Christ and remember Romans 8:28.  That while God is not the cause of these things, He still works through all of it.  Through all things He is shaping us, changing us, and equipping us to continue His work and share His love with others in need.

Please also keep me in your prayers.  This is turning into a tough trip and as I've not been able to secure a church appointment for October 22nd I'm attempting to change my plane tickets to fly back to Cambodia early around the 17th of October.  I'm not sure of the expense but it just seems like I'm needed more back there at this time.

Please prayerfully consider helping our ministry at this moment when we need your help.

May God's peace be with all of you.

Sincerely in Christ,
Greg Holz

Crossing Cambodia - Mission Director
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28
  • For Heng.  That God will grant him peace in this time.
  • For the doctors who will be treating Heng, may God guide their hands as they operate on his.
  • For the staff at Crossing Cambodia.  That God continue to enable them to serve Him and the street children confidently, no matter what may happen.
  • For SInuon, Richard, Julianne, and Elena.  That they may be comforted even though Greg is so far away.
  • For Greg, that he finds peace while he is so far from home at this time.


Just give us a note that you are helping with Heng's bills.
Help with vehicle purchases or expenses.
Supports Greg Holz and his family with their costs of living and travel as missionaries here.
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