Count me in!
I weigh and measure from the GreySheet No Matter What.
I want to celebrate our 25th Anniversary by taking part in GreySheet Counts
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Please be sure not to put today's date or the current year by mistake if your abstinence date is not today or this year.
No parentheses, periods, or dashes please. Just spaces. Thanks!
For those outside the USA or Canada, include county or other identifiers here if you choose.
NY and CT Residents, please choose your county
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GSA Group to which you are committed
Please, please, please only choose this option after CAREFULLY looking for your group above.
Make yourself available to other GSA members.
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Service Matters, our email newsletter about GSA service

If you opt into the GSA Phone List, the Online Area Contact List, Service Matters newsletter, or the GSA Facebook Group, GreySheeters Anonymous will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us:

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