Sign up here to get monthly dispatches from the cheerfully dark mind of author, filmmaker and educator Nina Sadowsky. In addition to work updates, each monthly newsletter will include, drum roll please…
  • Hollywood Decoded where I will answer your questions based on my 20 years of writing and producing in film and television.
  • Ripped From the Headlines, links to news that fascinates me and proves inspiration can be found everywhere.
  • Recommended Viewing, links to video content that encourages, amuses, challenges and explores.
  • And art!  Exclusive looks at the art I create in tandem with each novel. For example, the collage used as this sign up sheet's header was inspired by trips to Paris and Budapest and is intimately related to my second book, The Burial Society. The thriller will be released on Jan. 30. You can pre-order here
I hope to entertain you. If I do, please forward this newsletter along to any friends, family and colleagues who may be interested! And add to your email contacts so you never miss an email!  
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