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Dear Members and Friends,

As we approach the end of the year, we continue to bring you events with inspired and inspiring speakers, particularly in locations outside of the Sydney CBD.  
In case you missed our recent ‘Vicarious Trauma’ event in Newcastle & ‘Secrets from inside successful regional law firms’ event in Wollongong, visit our Photo Gallery to see the photos from the night as well as the fabulous presentations that our presenters have generously shared. 
Our ‘Law Firm Comparison Data’ Project and ‘Advancement of Women in Law Firms: Best Practice’ pilot research project was launched by our Patron, the Honourable Acting Justice Jane Mathews AO, at a cocktail event on Tuesday 19th September. The reports and data may be viewed on our WorkPlace Practices page by clicking here.  Please click here to view the event photo gallery. 
Finally, please book early to secure your seat at the 'Know Your Rights’ lunch seminar and Q&A with expert panellists hosted by Carroll & O’Dea on Thursday 26th October at 12.30pm as detailed below.  We're also kicking off Christmas early so please ‘save the date’ for our various end of year Christmas events as follows:
  • Thursday 9th November, 5.30pm Christmas Drinks at Queens Wharf Hotel, Newcastle
  • Tuesday 21st November, 5.30pm AGM & 6pm Christmas Drinks at the Union University & Schools Club Sydney
  • Wednesday 29th November, 5.30pm Christmas Drinks at Pepes on the Beach, Wollongong
As always, join us at our events and on social media for the latest updates, events and news.  Our conversations are richer because of you and we love hearing from you.

Kind regards

Holly Lam


Support the organisation that has supported women in law since 1952.

For further information on joining or to renew your membership please contact
our office or visit our website.

Click here for the Membership Form.

Join or renew your membership for 

Know Your Rights: A practical guide to taking parental leave, returning to
work, and requesting flexible working arrangements 

12.30pm for 12.45-2pm Presentation and Q&A, Thursday 26th October 2017
Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers, Level 18 St James Centre, 111 Elizabeth Street, Sydney NSW 2000 

The Women Lawyers Association of NSW  invites you to join us for a practical seminar 
presented by highly experienced workplace lawyers: 

Alex Grayson, Principal, Maurice Blackburn & Head of Employment of Industrial Relations 
Elizabeth Ticehurst, Director, KPMG Law, Workplace & Employment Law Practice Group
Moderated by Janine Smith, a Senior Associate in Carroll & O’Dea’s Workplace Law Group

Members FREE; Non-Members/Guests $35pp (incl. GST and refreshments). 
Please click here to download the flyer and to register, or book online.

 Proudly hosted by

The Whitmore Lecture 2017 ‘Separation of Powers – Dialogue and Deference’,
will be delivered by the Hon. Justice John Basten 

6-7.30pm Tuesday 17th October 2017. 
The lecture will be followed by light refreshments.
Banco Court, Supreme Court of NSW, Level 13 Law Courts Building, 
Queens Square, Sydney

Justice BastenJustice Basten is currently serving on the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of New South Wales.
He studied law at Adelaide and Oxford Universities, taught for a year at the University of Chicago and for some 7 years at the University of NSW. Prior to his current appointment, he was a Queen's Counsel practising in Sydney and has also been a part-time Commissioner of the New South Wales Law Reform Commission responsible in 1999 for a review of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW). Justice Basten was a Robert S Campbell Visiting Fellow at Magdalen College, Oxford University, from October 2010 until March 2011.

FREE Event. Bookings essential by 16th October. Please click here to register.
Joan Mida O’Brien (O’Hara) nee Moras OAM, MA 23.12.1917-31.8.2017

Joan O'BrienJoan O’Brien was a founding member of the WLANSW and was our President in 1957. Joan was awarded a WLANSW Life Membership quite some years ago. As well as being an inspirational and trailblazing woman in law, her 1986 thesis ‘The History of Women Lawyers in NSW’ whilst at the University of Sydney, may be viewed on our website. Joan continued her studies later at Macquarie University, when Prof Rosalind Croucher was Dean of Law, and commenced an update to her previous thesis on women in law. Unfortunately, she did not complete it. Joan did remain quite active and engaged with the profession, and the last WLANSW function she attended was a 2006 luncheon at the Wentworth Hotel.

Joan was admitted in 1949 after studying via the Solicitor’s Admission Board while working full time to support herself and her only son, Michael O’Hara. Her husband, Major Frank O’Hara, was killed in action in New Guinea 6 weeks before Michael was born. Joan practiced law at Bankstown when there was only a handful of women lawyers practicing. 

Joan later married Arthur O’Brien, now also deceased. She passed away aged 100, and is fondly remembered by her family as a loving mother and caring grandmother and great-grandmother.
Digital & Innovation Strategies for Legal firms - Seminars
The NSW Department of Industry has appointed NetStripes through “Business Connect” to provide funded “Specialist Services in Digital Readiness to NSW”. The Business Connect Program brings world class expertise through a series of, heavily funded seminars, workshops, and one on one customised digital advisory for small businesses to grow through innovation and digital readiness”
This program is targeted to smaller legal firms who are serious about growth. Attendees achieve a seismic shift in the knowledge they require to run their businesses using digital strategies.

Law Society of NSW
Digital and Innovation Seminar - 31st and 1st November (Parramatta)
Digital and Innovation Seminar - 14th and 15th November (Sydney)  
Subsidised cost  - $98.00:  1 Seminar  consisting of 2 workshops on two separate evenings. 
Included for first 20 registrants: Customised 1on1 Digital Strategy Advisory of up to 4 hours fully funded by the NSW Department of Industry under Business Connect Program valued at $2000

ALHR Human Rights Dinner - Sydney 10 November 2017
Save The Date for the annual Gowland Awards on Tuesday the 21st of November 2017.
Gowland Legal wants to celebrate the frontline workers who deal with the reality of domestic violence every day. We know there is a lot more public awareness about domestic violence these days, but working with its survivors you know there is still a long way to go.
The Gowland Awards will be an irreverent evening of cocktails and canapes to call out the worst remarks about domestic violence and recognise the excellence of those raising awareness of the issue.
We also encourage you and your colleagues to think about the categories in our ‘Howl for a Gowl’ and have a voice on the night by nominating! Nominations can be sourced from your own personal experience, stories you’ve heard in the industry or from individuals in the media. For example: Most Trivial or Patronising Remark About Domestic Violence – “if you want to break the cycle of violence, end the welfare incentive for unsuitable women to keep having children to a string of feckless men,” Miranda Devine. If you would like more information about the night or have a nomination in mind please call 02 9569 3000 or visit the website

2017 White Ribbon Cocktail Party in support of preventing violence against women

Australia's Campaign to stop violence against womenNSW Parliament, Strangers Dining Room
6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Wednesday, 22 November 2017 RSVP: 1 November. Attire: Cocktail

It is with pleasure I Invite you to the annual White Ribbon Cocktail Party in support of preventing violence against women. Tickets are $140pp and to book a place go to:
Profits from Ticket sales go to the Redfern Women's and Girls' Emergency Centre and Brewarrina Womens' Safe House. Special guests include the Premier of NSW, The Hon Gladys Berejiklian MP, Leader of the Opposition, The Hon Luke Foley MP, Opposition Whip, The Hon Shaoquett Moselmane MLC and other Political, Corporate, Community and Sporting leaders.
Vincent De Luca OAM
White Ribbon Ambassador

Final PortraitWIN AN IN-SEAS0N DOUBLE PASS COMPLIMENTS OF TRANSMISSION FILMS TO FINAL PORTRAIT Email with the subject heading ‘PORTRAIT’. Only winners will be contacted.
In 1964, while on a short trip to Paris, the American writer and art-lover James Lord is asked by his friend, the world-renowned artist Alberto Giacometti, to sit for a portrait. The process, Giacometti assures Lord, will take only a few days. Flattered and intrigued, Lord agrees.
So begins not only the story of a touching and offbeat friendship, but, seen through the eyes of Lord, a uniquely revealing insight into the beauty, frustration, profundity and, at times, downright chaos of the artistic process. FINAL PORTRAIT is a bewitching portrait of a genius, and of a friendship between two men who are utterly different, yet increasingly bonded through a single, ever-evolving act of creativity. It is a film which shines a light on the artistic process itself, by turns exhilarating, exasperating and bewildering, questioning whether the gift of a great artist is a blessing or a curse.


More info:  

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Women Lawyers’ Association of NSW Inc.
PO Box R1120 Royal Exchange NSW 1225
Ph: 0466 157 087

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