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Today's Dose of Smile-Therapy


The Price of a Good Reputation (from Isaac Asimov's 'Book of Facts')

If you had to back up your good name and what it stands for, just how far would you be willing to go? This was a question once faced by Thomas Edison.
Edison never wanted to  be associated with any inferior or faulty product. So when he learned  that a battery produced by his laboratory in 1905 was defective, he immediately snapped into action. The inventor announced that he would provide a refund to anyone who had purchased the imperfect battery. That ultimately amounted to $1 million- which would be approximately $20,000,000 today.
What’s more, Edison took the situation so personally, that he refunded the money from his own pocket. It was a powerful demonstration of the concern Edison had for his hard earned reputation.  What’s your reputation worth?

Notes: Obviously not everyone could afford to absorb such a mistake. The idea however, to stand behind your product( name) is noble and perhaps it’s intent, is something society could use more of.

T.A. Smith, Creator/CEO • 315.672.3590
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