Welcome to the AOFYE Transitions October issue! AOFYE is committed to providing members avenues to get involved in the field, opportunities to connect with literature and research, and information on professional development events.

If you want to be further involved in AOFYE or have resources to share, please email us at
Professional Development Opportunities
Each Transitions issue incorporates upcoming AOFYE- sponsored or related professional development opportunities relevant to the functional areas of Admissions, Orientation, and the First-Year Experience. 
Upcoming AOFYE Opportunities
  • Want to be more involved in shaping the future of AOFYE? Considering applying to be a member of the AOFYE Directorate Board! Elections are here! For more information about the process, please visit AOFYE's website.
  • Interested in submitting a blog post or facilitating a webinar? Email for more information.
Upcoming ACPA Opportunities 
  • ACPA Award Nominations are due November 17. For more information, please visit the award website
  • Save the date for 2018 ACPA Convention, 11-14 March in Houston, Texas
Upcoming National Opportunities 
AOFYE-Relevant Articles
Each Transitions issue incorporates relevant articles related to issues in the functional areas of Admissions, Orientation, and the First-Year Experience. 
The End of 'Freshman' by Jeremy Bauer-Wolf from Inside Higher Ed

The 'imposter' syndrome of first-generation Penn students: Uneasy among privileged, distanced from family by Alfred Lubrano from The Inquirer Daily News

College after year one: 'Is it worth my effort?' by Ellen Ciurczak from Hattiesburg American

At UCLA, a dorm floor dedicated to first-generation students by Teresa Watanabe from Los Angeles Times

Thinking "beyond the box": The use of criminal records in college admissions by Judith Scott-Clayton from Brookings
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