News and inspiration from Interbeing Sangha of Kingston
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Interbeing Sangha of Kingston - Weekly Electronic Bulletin          Issue #18 - October 21st, 2017

Interbeing Sangha
of Kingston

Weekly Meeting

Please join us for our next weekly gathering, taking place this Sunday, October 22nd, for meditation and dharma sharing, 6:30pm at Unitarian Place (Kingston Unitarian Fellowship), 206 Concession Street. Susan Young will be bell minding.
Feeding Love or Suffering

"The Buddha said, “Nothing can survive without food”—not even love. Without nourishment, your love will die. You can learn ways to nourish your love every day, so that your love can continue to thrive. What kind of food are you feeding your love? When you produce loving thoughts, speech, and actions, these nourish your love and help it grow strong. Suffering also requires food to survive. If you continue to suffer, it’s because you feed your suffering every day. Thoughts, conversations, films, books, magazines, and the Internet are sensory foods that we consume. If we don’t carefully choose what we consume, these things can water the seeds of anger, fear, violence, and discrimination within us. If you stop feeding your suffering, it will also die."

-- Thich Nhat Hanh,
How to Fight

Dharma Interview

Joanne Friday

Our sangha recently completed the section of Reconciliation: Healing the Inner Child with a story from Joanne Friday, Dharma Teacher ordained by Thay in the Order of Interbeing, and guiding teacher for six sanghas, who leads retreats all over the Northwest US. In this excerpt from an October 2012 Mindfulness Bell Magazine interview, Joanne reflects on #ContinuingThay including her contribution to the book.

Special Offer

Thay's New Book

Our friends at Parallax Press are running a special sale, where you get a free copy of the new pocket reader of teachings by Thich Nhat Hanh, How to Fight, latest in the Mindfulness Essentials series for both beginners and longtime practitioners. This time Nhat Hanh brings his signature clarity, compassion, and humor to the ways we act out in anger, frustration, despair, and delusion. When you spend $25 or more, get a free copy of the book using promo code FIGHT at checkout. Sale continues until October 26th.

Doodle Poll

Sangha Care Meeting

Dear friends, please follow this link and take the Doodle Poll to help choose the best date for our next Sangha Care Meeting. There are several important issues to discuss: learn more here.

KUF this Sunday

Disarm Our Planet

Did you know that Unitarian Universalists have a United Nations Office with Consultative Status in the UN Economic and Social Council? This Sunday, October 22nd, at 10:30 amRev. Beckett Coppola leads service with senior youth sharing their experience attending "Arm in Arm: Interfaith Action to Disarm Our Planet" at the UU-UNO, and celebrate working towards Blue Ribbon status in their advocacy work.
House on Fire

"Usually when we are angry with someone we are more interested in fighting with them than in taking care of our own feelings. It’s like someone whose house is on fire running after the person who has set fire to their house instead of going home to put out the flames. If we don’t go home to take care of our anger, our whole house will burn down. But if we can pause for a moment, we have a chance to acknowledge our anger, embrace it and look deeply to see its true roots. If we can take care of our own anger instead of focusing on the other person, we will get immediate relief. If we can pause, we see that our anger or fear may have been born from a wrong perception or may have its roots in the large seeds of anger or fear within us. When we realize this, it frees us from anger and fear. Practice embracing and looking deeply to see the real roots of your anger. When insight is born, you will be free."

-- Thich Nhat Hanh,
How to Fight
Our sangha has two teams helping to share leadership and facilitation of our meetings. Our Bell Minders Team are mindful facilitators for our weekly gatherings, as well as retreats, taking beautiful care of our friends in the practice including the bell. Our Sangha Care Team facilitates sangha care meetings, plans retreats, minds our library and resources, and coordinates outreach. If you are interested in helping with either or both, contact for more information.
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