October 15, 2017 Newsletter
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Food for Thought
End of the Season Wrap-Up
a note from Chad Darby, Director
There's a crisp chill in the morning air, the carrots still in the ground are getting super sweet, and the tomato vines are dying back. It's the end of the warm weather gardening season, but what a season it was. We spent the first half of the summer way behind on our typical donation volumes and then the heat hit us. For many people the tomatoes, peppers, and even melons went crazy. By the end of the season we had collectively donated over 3,700 lbs. Way to go!
This year we have an amazingly dedicated group of home and institutional gardeners. We had hoped to beat our goal last year by donating 2,500 lbs this year as a group. Thanks to all your hard work and some wonderful new Neighbors, we beat our goal by 50%. To celebrate I hope to see you all at our annual Harvest Party this season. It will be held October 24 (Tuesday) at 6:30 pm at Tualatin Schoolhouse Pantry on Borland Road.  It's a great chance to meet each other and learn about the Pantry. There will be drinks and snacks. Feel free to bring something to share, but if you can't, we want you to bring the most important thing… YOU (and your friends and family)!

3,700 lbs. donated
Crushing our goal of 2,500 lbs.!!
Annual Harvest Party
October 24, 6:30 pm at the Tualatin School House Pantry
Distinguished Community Partners
We have a lot of people and organizations to thank for this year's success, but I want to give a special shout out to a few standouts.  To hear their stories and why they are honored, please come to the Harvest Party where we can regale you with the details.

For now,
a special thanks to our growers...

MITCH Charter School
Brookdale River Valley Tualatin
Bridgeport Elementary School
Tualatin Park Vet Clinic
Resurrection Catholic Church

the community's primary distributer of garden goodness...

Tualatin School House Pantry

 and our major funding supporters...
Rotary Club
Spirit of Grace Church
City of Tualatin
None of what we have all accomplished this year would be possible without our business and institutional supporters.
Thank you so much!

Growing Through the Winter... it's possible!

What a bountiful year! Want to keep that nutritious garden goodness and rewarding feeling going?  With planning and forethought, you can enjoy produce from your garden most of the year.  We are fortunate here in the Pacific Northwest that many crops produce well in the fall and mild-winter, and can hold through the winter if protected.  Because our weather varies from year to year, some crops and years may be more successful than others.  Be willing to experiment and enjoy the learning!

You may have planted some fall crops earlier in the season.  If not – it’s not too late for some varieties.  Certain crops that are planted in the fall such as specific varieties of broccoli, carrots and onions will grow slowly through winter, giving you a treat to harvest in spring.  For help in selecting the right varieties, planting times and great information on year-round gardening specific to the Pacific Northwest, see this 8-page guide by OSU: Fall and Winter Vegetable Gardening

Neighbors Nourishing Communities (NNC) is an organization of neighbors gardening to raise fresh produce for local families in need of food support.  We provide plants, seeds, instruction and site consultations in exchange for 20% of the produce raised.
Copyright © 2017 / Neighbors Nourishing Communities /All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
17660 SW Shawnee Trail, Tualatin, OR 97062

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Neighbors Nourishing Communities · 17660 SW Shawnee Trail · Tualatin, Or 97062 · USA

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