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We build solutions to real world problems by providing an environment where we turn theory into practice and learning means doing.
If you haven't yet paid your 2016/2017 membership dues, your membership will be cancelled at the GA. Please get in touch with if you haven't received any invoice or need payment information.

Dear all,

This is a reminder for Octanis' yearly ordinary general assembly, which will take place

on Thursday, October 19th at 20:00, in Univercité, Chemin du Closel 5, 1020 Renens. 

  1. Welcome
  2. Approval of the minutes of the last extraordinary general assembly of November 23rd, 2016
  3. Approval of the agenda
  4. Financial result and balance of 2016/17 and report on our activities
  5. Discharge of the 2016/17 committee
  6. Election of the new committee
  7. Election of the statutory auditors
  8. Updating of the list of active members
  9. Miscellaneous
We thank you for the effort you put into the advancement of the association's projects and we hope to see as many of you as possible. If you can't be in Renens physically, you also have the option of joining the general assembly via Slack Video Call. the call will be held in the #_general channel.

The general assembly will be followed by an apéro, to which you are cordially invited.

For the committee,

Raffael Tschui
Octanis Vice-President
This Week

Open Night @ EPFL

Tue 17th Oct.
MED 3 2215

General Assembly @ Hackuarium & online

Thu 19th Oct.
Our mailing address is:
Octanis Association
CH-1004 Lausanne

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Octanis Association · Rue Pré du Marché 23 · Lausanne 1004 · Switzerland

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