
Connect Issue 2 | October 2017

Your membership number is <<Membership Number>>

News from Clyde Road

Dear <<Prefered Name>>,

Enhancing the trust, respect, influence and understanding of the engineering profession is a central objective of our role as your membership body. This work includes advocating on behalf of you, our members. In this past month, we have had meetings with the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government on the draft General Scheme of the Building Control (Construction Industry Register Ireland) Bill 2017 and with Ministers of State, Damien English TD at the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and Brendan Griffin TD at the Department of Transport. We have also presented to members of the European Commission in Dublin in relation to their Country Guide for Ireland.

Our Council meeting last Saturday discussed these engagements and also our policy briefs, our finance committee report and other matters.

Continuing professional development is a focus of this issue of Connect and below you will find information about our CPD Standing Committee and also the exciting autumn CPD programme planned by our Cork Region.  Last week we were delighted to collaborate with Facebook as host for our CPD Employer of the Year final.  The winner will be announced at our Excellence Awards ceremony on 10 November in Dublin.  More information is provided about the Awards shortlist below.

Caroline Spillane

Director General


Members - get your work profiled

Is your engineering company or third-level institution doing something interesting or unusual in engineering?

If you have a proposal for an article that you want our 21,000 monthly readers to know about, email our editor, Mary Anne Carrigan:

Each year, the Engineers Ireland community, through our vibrant Regional Branches, Engineering Divisions and Societies, puts on over 200 events to showcase the best and most interesting research, plans and projects being undertaken in Ireland and abroad by our members. Some highlights of this member benefit to date include:

If you are working on a project that you want to tell people about, contact for more information and guidance.


MEETA Conference 2017: Maintaining the Balance

MEETA is a special interest group that promotes all aspects of maintenance and asset management in industry, the public sector, semi-state bodies and third-level institutions. It represents your interests on national and international issues such as education, infrastructure and all development of the practice in Ireland. Members can access relevant events and networking opportunities with peers and associated industry groups.

This year's conference on Friday November 17 focuses on establishing a sustainable balance in all aspects of maintenance engineering and asset management. The theme of the conference is 'Maintaining the Balance', and will focus on management of plant and equipment throughout its useful life.

Since 1984, the annual MEETA Conference has provided a forum for maintenance practitioners, decision makers, experts and solution seekers to meet, discuss problems, seek advice, network and hear the latest industry news. The conference has developed over the years into an event of truly international standing.

You can view the full programme and buy tickets.

Selected course

Introduction to Pumps and Pumping Systems

CPD Credit: 7 hours



Selected jobs this month

Mechanical Engineer, Dublin, Bus Eireann

Design Fire Engineer, Dublin, Jeremy Gardner Associates

Industrial Water Engineer, Kilkenny, Veolia Ireland


Industry news: Is Ireland any closer to avoiding its own Grenfell Tower disaster?


Industry news: Fusing transport, technology and energy – engineering an Irish revolution


Influencing strategic direction and monitoring progress of CPD initiatives

Dee Kehoe, our CPD Director, talks about the important work of our CPD Standing Committee.

One of the CPD Standing Committee’s (CSC) key objectives is to offer guidance on continuing professional development policy and strategy, discussing and approving as necessary any major CPD events and any new developments or amendments to practices or standards.

The CSC is comprised of 20 industry representatives, from all sectors and several members of the CPD team here in Clyde Road. The current chair is Colette O’Shea, Associate with JB Barry & Partners. It meets four times per year.

In the last year alone, the CSC has conducted a SWOT analysis of CPD offerings, overseen the implementation of a new CPD Policy for members (a special steering group was also convened for this project) and assisted in the creation of circa 20 new technical and non-technical training programmes for members in 2017. The CSC was also kept advised on developments of our Future Professionals Series and the review of the current iteration of the CPD Accredited Employer standard.

The new CPD Policy led naturally to the creation of the My CPD portal to enable members to keep an online CPD record that could be easily maintained, even if they change employer or move country. The CSC special steering group made valuable suggestions in terms of features and usability. In a survey this summer, My CPD recorded a satisfaction rate of 96% among members who had used it.

If you would like to find out more about the work of this committee or contribute to it, please contact Dee Kehoe at


Our Cork Region's Autumn CPD Series

In this issue, we are delighted to hear from Kate Lehane (pictured) about some activity in our Cork Region.

With a vibrant and active community of 2,851 members of various engineering disciplines, the Cork Region provides a focal point for engineers of all grades and actively encourages their continunig professional development.

Following the success of the 2016 Cork Region survey, which offered members the opportunity to feed into the planning process for the programme of events 2016-2017, the Region commissioned a CPD survey to ensure that the 2017-2018 programme will be equally relevant and to assist our members in fulfilling their CPD obligations. The results of the CPD survey were integral to the development of the Cork Region Winter Lecture and CPD Series.

Our four-lecture Autumn CPD Series explores 'Recent Advances for Best Practice in Design and Construction of Residential Buildings in Ireland' with specific emphasis on health and safety, energy, policy and processes, and insurance.

Following on from the success of previous years, the forthcoming Winter Lecture Series will continue collaborations this year with IChemE, IET and IStructE. The Region will also host general interest and regional topics e.g. the engineer as an expert witness, Bantry Harbour, Cork City Movement Strategy, Cork Courthouse redevelopment and Páirc Uí Chaoimh redevelopment.  As always, the highlight of the Cork Region Social Calendar is our black-tie annual dinner, which will be held on 9 February 2018.

While YES Cork is instrumental to organising a number of social outings and site visits, YES members also volunteer at careers and postgrad workshops, school talks and Engineers Week activities. YES Cork recently presented its nominated charity for last year, Cork Penny Dinners, with a cheque for €1,000 from the proceeds of the YES Charity Table Quiz.

Kate Lehane

Chair of the Cork Region of Engineers Ireland

If you are a Chair of one of our Regional Branches, Engineering Divisions or Societies, we would be delighted to receive your input to this section. Feel free to email us.

Cork Region Autumn CPD Series

Recent Advances for Best Practice in Design and Construction of Residential Buildings in Ireland - 3: Residential Development - Policy and Processes


Ways to get involved

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Excellence Awards shortlist announced

The shortlist for the Engineers Ireland Excellence Awards has just been announced.

The annual awards, held in association with ESB, are chosen and presented by our organisation in recognition of the achievements of engineers who have demonstrated exceptional engineering skills through their work.

In addition to the Engineering Project of the Year Award, shortlists have been announced for the Geoscience Ireland Award, Local Authority Engineering Initiative Award, Technical Innovation Award, Heritage and Conservation Award and Engineering Education Award – Best in Class 2017. Finalists in the CPD Employer of the Year Award category also delivered their final presentations to a panel of judges and guests at an event in Facebook in Dublin on Wednesday October 5.

The seven shortlisted engineering projects in the running for Project of the Year, sponsored by TII, cover areas as diverse as health, island communities, sport, public transport and cultural space. Members of the public are encouraged to have their say and vote for their favourite project.

The winners will be announced at a special awards ceremony on November 10 in the InterContinental Hotel, Ballsbridge, Dublin.


Engineers Ireland in numbers

287 Sector events last year
13,250 Sector event attendees
47 webcasts

Find an event to attend or a webcast to watch