  • Saturday, 11. November, from 10.00 to 18.00 hours on Goričko


"Whoever got to know himself, got to know all."

The only goal of the Gnostic intensive is immediate – direct experience of the Truth or Gnosis.
This alternative technique is allowing individual to experience the Enlightenment through basic age-old questions (coans): „Who am I?“, „What am I?“, „What is life?“, „What is other human being?“, etc...
It is impossible to talk about Gnosis or exactly describe it. The reason lies in a fact that Gnosis is a direct experience of the Truth, while our entire life is built on indirect experiences.
Before the moment Ego or inner-Self starts to form, consciousness of the child is sunk in unidentified ocean of unity. But from that time on all his experiences in life are indirect. These are various sensual, emotional, intellectual, para-psychological and even spiritual experiences. Main characteristic of indirect experiences is that there is a difference between the subject and object. This difference between subject and object which separates human being from all existent is actually illusionary. But until we experience direct consciousness of this illusion, it is painfully present in a person. The moment of disappearance of this illusion is the moment of experience of Gnosis, which is by its nature Direct experience of the Truth.
If the Truth has spoken in you, while reading this invitation, then your place is on the workshop.
Slavinski about Gnostic Intensive:
»It’s been 30 years since I first gave Enlightenment Intensive. In those 30 years I managed to radically and substantively improve Intensive and in time it became shorter and more efficient, which means, increasingly higher percentage of participants attained Direct Experience of Truth in shorter time.
At the beginning it lasted 3 days and 3 nights, for 18 hours of hard work, and 25% of participants succeeded. Then I shortened it first on two days and then one day. A few years ago I discovered Alternative Technique and therefore Intensive shortened on just 4 dyads, while in classical Intensive there were 40!
The most important thing is that today's percentage of success on my intensives is almost absolute: 95 – 100% of participants meet with Direct Experience! My last Intensive lasted only 3 dyads and some participants had two or three Direct Experiences of Truth. This is the true revolution in spiritual Evolution!
How is this possible? We now live in a New Age, where changes in all areas are taking place with tremendous speed. Spiritual development is not an exception. Even more! Changes in this area take place most rapidly!
Of course, there are people that are not in a state to comprehend this because of their own restraints. They cling to the past and are incapable to break free of these bonds. History of Spiritual Development shows, there were always two groups of people: conservatives who aren't in state to comprehend and accept changes, and holders of all new, creative personalities, oriented into the future.
From classical Buddhism the Zen was formed, which allows quick experience of Enlightenment. Conservative Buddhists were criticizing Zen, as abandoning of original Buddhism. Couple centuries later in context of Zen, Rinzai school of Zen was formed, where through concentrated »sesin« courses they strove for Enlightenment for 7, 14 or 30 days. Criticisms of conservatives appeared again: »Rinzai is abandoning of original Zen! «
40 years ago, Phillip Kaplo, westerner, carried Zen from Japan to the West. He received commendations for his work from many, but some practitioners indignantly reacted: » This isn't the real Zen. «
Then Charles Barner created Enlightement Intensive, as joint of meditation and communication. His system enabled 25% of participants to achieve Direct Experience in three days. And then the story repeats – Phillip Kaplo didn't learn from his own experience and sharply criticized Barner's Intensive as an »American express method.«
I am grateful to all my predecessors, in highest degree to Charles Berner and his Intensive. He was in tremendous help for us. But like 25 centuries ago wise Lao Ce said: “Boat is useful for crossing a large river. When you step on the other side, you don't drag this boat forward, but you leave it on the shore and move on.«

  Where: Tourist Farm Tremel, Bokrači 28, 9201 Puconci,
 (look at the map)
When: Saturday, 11. November 2017, 10.00 to 18.00 hours
Price: 250 €  (in case of prepayment on bank account until including 8. November, the price is 200 €)
Prepayment: ALTORION, d.o.o, Kukeč 30, 9206 Križevci
                  TRR: SI56 3000 0001 0750 837 (purpose of payment: gnostic intensive
All info: E-mail:,
                                 Mobile: 00386 41 335-215 (Robert)      
                              Skype: robert.lavtar           

  • Saturday and Sunday, 25. and 26 November 2017 on Goričko
"Kdor je spremenil sebe, je spremenil cel svet."
Integralni Ekskalibur je sistem, ki ga je razvil Slavinski in velja za osnovo vseh sodobnih gnostičnih spiritualnih metod.
Osnovna ideja Ekskaliburja je, da je človek popolnoma odgovoren za življenje, ki ga živi. To pomeni, da smo vse svoje izkušnje, ki jih imamo, ustvarili sami,  sodelovali z drugimi bitji pri njihovem ustvarjanju oziroma dopustili, da nam jih ustvarijo drugi.
Spiritualna zrelost se prične s trenutkom, ko popolnoma prevzamemo odgovornost za svoje življenje. Takrat, in samo takrat, postanemo sposobni odpraviti katerekoli neželene vsebine duha, občutkov in podobnih psiho emocionalnih težav.
V dveh dnevih se boste naučili uporabljati mogočno orodje, s katerim si lahko neverjetno, skoraj čudežno olajšate življenje na vseh področjih. Človek na osnovi neposredne izkušnje uvidi, da so vsi vzroki njegovih neželenih stanj v njem samem in da jih z Ekskaliburjem neverjetno lahko razgradi in nadomesti z želenimi.
Čeprav je delavnica namenjena usposabljanju za uporabo v vsakdanjem življenju, večina udeležencev odstrani nekaj svojih največjih problemov takoj. To je posledica metodologije, ki je usmerjena v prakso in kjer se vse tehnike uporabljajo na konkretnih situacijah iz življenja praktika.
Tečaj se izvaja v skupini, vendar je Ekskalibur sistem, ki je namenjen samostojnem delu praktika.
Za korenite spremembe v vaši realnosti tako ne boste več potrebovali terapevta, le redno izvajanje Ekskaliburja.
Navedene lastnosti so EKSKALIBUR postavile med najvrednejše metode samorazvoja na planetu, ki se hitro širi med ljudi, ki si želijo povečati svojo uspešnost, učinkovitost in izboljšati kvaliteto svojega življenja.
Do nedavnega je bila pot duhovnega in notranjega ravnovesja strogo ločena od uspešnosti v vsakdanjem življenju. S pojavom EKSKALIBURJA se je situacija korenito spremenila. Med zadovoljnimi uporabniki tega sistema je veliko število najuspešnejših in zelo cenjenih ljudi, od univerzitetnih profesorjev, uspešnih poslovnih ljudi do vrhunskih športnikov. Vsi so v EKSKALIBURJU odkrili učinkovito metodo za odpravljanje stresa in kreiranja prijetne realnosti, kot tudi sredstvo za fantastično izboljšanje svoje uspešnosti.

Where: Tourist Farm Tremel, Bokrači 28, 9201 Puconci,
 (look at the map) They offer bed & breakfast at a reasonable price.
When: Saturday and Sunday, 25. and 26. November 2017, from 10.00 to 18.00 hours
Price: 450 €  (in case of prepayment on bank account until including 20. November, the price is 400 €)
Prepayment: ALTORION, d.o.o, Kukeč 30, 9206 Križevci
                  TRR: SI56 3000 0001 0750 837 (purpose of payment: integral Excalibur
All info: E-mail:,
                                 Mobile: 00386 41 335-215 (Robert)      
                              Skype: robert.lavtar           
Copyright © 2017 *Gnostic Center of Alternative ALTORION*, All rights reserved.

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Gnostic Center of Alternative ALTORION
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9206 Križevci

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