Ebony's Reviews & Spread the Love List

When you join this list, not only will you get access to new books weeks before they hit the shelves, you’ll also get them for free.

Each time I have a new release coming out, I will email you with the details. There are two options to how you interact with a new release.
  • ARC Reviewer: This will enable you to read the book early, and you'll have a choice of places to leave the review. I usually use Booksprout to deliver ARC copies, so you'll need to signup to that service. It's absolutely free, and you'll have access to many other great Indie authors who use it.
  • Sharing the Love: If you aren't a keen reviewer but have a social media presence and would like help get the word out about my new release, I'm more than happy to have you on board. I am not very good at marketing, and so rely heavily on word-of-mouth. I will put together an ePress Kit and send you the link. You can then share any of the content you like to your followers. In return, you'll get a digital ARC copy, or contact me about signed paperback copies.
That's it. I won't bother you at any other time. Just the 1 or 2 emails whenever a new release is coming out. Just fill out the form below. If you are signing up to STL then also please include the link for your main social platform (not required for ARC Reviewers).

If you want to join my general mailout, you can use the form on my website.

Thank you again



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