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Preparing for launch in 1... 2... 3... 2018!

The first hackAIR sensors are up and running in Athens, Oslo and Berlin, and our servers are already analysing more than 12.000 images daily to estimate air quality from the colour of the sky (it works!). Our developers are ironing out the last bugs, polishing the final features and preparing for the launch of the hackAIR platform.

Until then, we're happy to share what we have learned in the past months. Many of you have participated in our survey on awareness and engagement on air quality, and we have benchmarked the hackAIR sensor prototypes against reference equipment. Read on - and hit 'reply' if you have any questions! 

Preview of the hackAIR platform

The hackAIR platform shows air quality information from a variety of sources for your neighbourhood. Sign up to be notified when we are launching!

Latest news

Ensuring quality measurements 

With hackAIR, you can contribute to better information about air quality in your neighbourhood using a number of different tools. But how good are the resulting measurements? What can we really say about air quality? A lot, actually. Read more...

Wearable air quality sensors

Supported by the VERTIGO artistic residency programme, Ling Tan is co-creating a set of wearable tools that make use of hackAIR platform to help citizens make sense of the complex issues around air pollution. Read more...

What we know about air quality

Between May and July 2017, hackAIR conducted a multi-language survey to explore the awareness and behaviour of citizens in the context of air pollution, as well as the interest to measure it. Read more...

Practice report: Testing the hackAIR sensors

In spring 2017, a group of engineering students from the Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (HiOA) evaluated a first prototype of the hackAIR home sensor and compared the measurements with reference equipment. Read more...

Air Sensing Roundtable conversation

The main challenges for air quality & participatory sensing include reliability of data, good communication with public authorities and strong community relations, according to participants on 26 September. Read more...

Update from the hackAIR team

From ordering material, debugging mobile apps and writing tutorials: we’re getting ready for the hackAIR launch. What is happening right now in Thessaloniki, Oslo, Berlin and elsewhere? Read more...


About hackAIR

hackAIR is an EU-funded project aiming to develop an open technology platform for citizen observatories on air quality. It is supported through the EU programme on “Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation” until December 2018.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 688363.

This publication reflects only the author's view and the Research Executive Agency or European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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