Lutz Preparatory Weekly NEWSFLASH
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Lutz Preparatory School K-8 NEWSFLASH, V6 Issue 17, October 27, 2017
We want to thank our families again on behalf of the Students, Staff, PTA, and Governing Board of Lutz Preparatory School, please accept our heartfelt thank you for your support of our Bolts of Blue fundraising campaign.  At this time we have just over $114,000 collected and will be receiving additional company matching funds in the near future. In addition the online auction being held November 1st & 2nd will add to our campaign.  
Our school had a blast at the Administration Car Wash earlier this week (even with the rain delay).  It was a great way to wrap up our successful campaign.
Upcoming Week at a Glance:
  • Monday, October 30:
    • Elementary Report Cards Distributed in Backpacks
    • 8th Grade Field Trip
    • Registration Deadline for Bolts of Blue Parent Night Out and Lock-In 9:00 AM (Reminder emails have been sent)
  • Tuesday, October 31:
    • 5th Grade Field Trip
    • Character Parade - see details below (please note only student's participating in grade level activities may dress in non-uniform attire, all other students MUST be in standard school uniform for the day)
  • Wednesday, November 1:
    • Middle School Report Cards Available Online Only
    • Online Silent Auction Bidding Open for Bolts of Blue Campaign
  • Thursday, November 2:
    • Online Silent Auction Bidding Open for Bolts of Blue Campaign
    • English Language Learners (ELL) Parent Meeting
  • Friday, November 3:
    • Parents Night Out & Student Lock In for Bolts of Blue Campaign

Volunteer Corner
Please click on the respective Sign Up Genius links in each section to assist.  Start logging your volunteer hours now, 25 hours per family are required by year end.

Gym Set Up/Break Down for Leadership Events
Please click HERE to sign up.

Parent Night Out and Lock-In Registration Deadline Monday Morning

Reminder please make sure you complete the required registration form by the Monday, October 30 at 9:00 AM deadline if you have not already.  Click HERE for final reminder and additional information on food and pick-up.

Have additional questions?  Email

Employment Opportunity
We are looking to fill the following openings:
Lunch Room 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Aftercare 2:30-6:00 PM
Please complete online employment application and submit resume as notated on our website.  

Lost and Found
Our lost and found is OVERFLOWING - lots of water bottles, lunch boxes, sweaters, and jackets.  Please stop by to look for lost items.  All items will be donated the week before Thanksgiving break.  Please make sure your student's first and last names are on all items.

11/6 - 4th Grade Gifted Field Trip

11/9 - Veteran's Day Program

11/10 - Veteran's Day Holiday, School Closed

11/12- 15 - 7th Grade Field Trip

11/14 - Fall Picture Retake Day

11/15 - Early Dismissal at Noon

11/20-11/24 - Fall Break, School Closed

11/29 - 3rd Grade Gifted Field Trip

11/30 - Board of Director's Meeting

12/1 - 2nd Grade Field Trip

12/4 - 6th Grade Field Trip

12/5 - 4th Grade Field Trip

12/6 - Early Dismissal at Noon

12/12 - 2nd Grade Gifted Field Trip

12/22 - End of 2nd Quarter Grading Period (End of 1st Semester)

12/25-1/5 - Winter Break, School Closed


Please see our website for full details.

Monthly Calendar
Academic Calendar

Report Cards

  • Elementary School Report Cards:  Will be sent home with students on Monday, October 30, 2017.    
  • Middle School Report Cards:  Will be available ONLINE ONLY at  beginning November 1, 2017.  Parents and guardians can access the report card using the same PIN used to view the report card last school year.  If you have forgotten your PIN, please select "Request a PIN" on the report card website and your PIN will be immediately emailed to you.  

Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Please note, only students participating in grade level educational activities may dress in non-uniform attire.  All other students must wear standard school uniform.  No costumes or Halloween dress.  

Character Book Parade

Click HERE for the Parade Route.

English Language Learner (ELL) PARENT INVOLVEMENT PLC
On Thursday, November 2, 2017 from 7:15AM to 8:00AM in the Media Center, Lutz Prep will provide parents of ELL students with an opportunity to review, discuss, and ask questions concerning the information contained in the Student Handbook; particularly the sections dealing with: Student and Parent Rights, Safety and Health, the Code of Student Conduct, and District Benchmarks and Graduation Requirements. At this meeting an explanation of the ELL Program will be provided to parents and the meeting will include an overview of the Florida Consent Decree, the process for the identification of ELLs, and an explanation of site-based ELL program services.

***Parents are not required to attend but are encouraged to participate in the meeting should they have questions or concerns about the ELL program or the services provided to their student.  Please contact Dulcy Dillinger ( with any questions.

21st Century Skills NovemberSelf Direction

  • What are Self Directional Skills?
    • Students will be able to demonstrate their ability to understand and monitor their own learning.
  • Examples of Self Direction
    • Knowing strengths and needs
    • Interpret their own data
    • Set measurable goals and objectives
    • Attend to a task and focus without external reminders or extrinsic motivators.
Veteran's Day Program Performed by 2nd Grade 
Second Grade is performing a Veteran’s Day program on Thursday, November 9th, 2017 at 8:00 AM in the gym.  

The entire school is invited to come watch!  We welcome all Veteran's to attend!
We are creating slideshows to accompany the songs. All LP families are invited to send photos of their veterans or active military members.

Please send photo(s) and detailed information by Friday, October 27, 2017
  1. Must be JPEG or PNG form to be accepted
  2. Family name clearly labeled 
  3. Branch of the military photo represents
  4. Email to Ms. Schoenfeld at
  5. Even if you submitted photos last year, you need to re-submit them again to have them included
Second grade students performing should wear all navy blue LP uniform tops, bottoms, or dresses. Each class will be singing the song of one of the five branches of the military.

Donations Needed for Art Classes
Annual DooDad Competition:  
The art department is looking for donations of old maps or old atlas books for a middle school art project.  Please do not purchase anything, just looking for items you no longer use or want.  They need enough for 1st & 2nd semester classes.

Reporting Absences:
If your student will be absent for any reason, the preferred method of notification is to send an email to (you may also cc your student's teacher).  If needed, you may contact the attendance line at 428-7101 instead of sending an email - you do not need to do both methods.
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