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Speaking like a hug of thunder, lit up by the lights of dusk outside     

Hi, Bloomingdale.

Years Have Unfolded Here, and With You.

October, a technicolor slideshow of The End of Days: its illustrious, dying vines wrap about my heart, tightly, and tighter with each passing of lessening light. This abrupt descent into the dark is an inwardly reflective kind of time, and if we're familiars, you may be aware of my contemplative nature. These years have shown me much, perhaps violently so, about the better and the worse of our human thick-of-it-all; I'm grateful for the ride, to be alive through all of it, both with and because of YOU.

The last invitation I sent was in the summer of 2015, and perhaps you've noticed, but Open Door has been on hiatus. Much has transpired in these past years, and hyperbolically so, but our human nature necessity to be, intentionally, genuinely with others, is a prevailing reality. This table has been set innumerable times over, but 37 of those many times have been for 12 strangers who chose of their own volition to cross an unknown threshold and partake of an experience unbeknownst to them a priori, but an experience that they themselves then collectively created. With intention, vision is realized; with empathy garnered through shared intention, enlightenment is engendered. Open Door is dinner on a table. Open Door is your own manifestation of being, with others. This table will be set for 12 strangers twice more, and the first of these last two events will commence THIS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21st, AT 7PM.

A feast, for you. I'm making it so. So, aren't you coming?

[Dinner is a three-course, all inclusive eating and drinking affair, shared with others at a beautiful communal table. A suggested donation of $65 per person is requested. 
Reply to this email to reserve seats or for further inquiry. The locale will be disclosed to you upon the confirmation of your reservation.]
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