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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence will create new kinds of work

  • To take one example, more and more people are supplying digital services online via what is sometimes dubbed the “human cloud”.
  • But consumers and companies will also expect ever-smarter AI services: digital assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa and Microsoft’s Cortana will have to answer more complex questions.
  • Accordingly, Ms Gray and Siddharth Suri, her collaborator at Microsoft Research, see services such as UpWork and Mechanical Turk as early signs of things to come.
  • A travel agency, for instance, might use AI to deal with routine tasks (such as booking a flight), but direct the more complicated ones (a request to create a customised city tour, say) to humans.
  • Mark Graham of the University of Oxford concludes that platforms for online work do indeed offer new sources of income for many, particularly in poor countries, but that these services also drive down wages.

WHEN the first printed books with illustrations started to appear in the 1470s in the German city of Augsburg, wood engravers rose up in protest. Worried about their jobs, they literally stopped the presses. In fact, their skills turned out to be in higher demand than before: somebody had to illustrate the growing number of books.

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SPSS Modeler available for free for educational usage

SPSS Modeler is now free for educational usage:  #opensource #machinelearning #datascience

  • A powerful visual tool like IBM SPSS Modeler is actually a great way to learn about data science and machine learning.
  • IBM is supporting this goal by providing IBM SPSS Modeler for free for educational usage.
  • This distribution is part of the IBM Academic Initiative program which provides many types of IBM software and cloud services for free or reduced cost.
  • If you are a student or professor, please go to and search for IBM SPSS Modeler.
  • If you are not a student or professor but know of some students/professors looking for free data science software, let them know about IBM SPSS Modeler.


Search SPSS Predictive Analytics

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Free Learning

Free #Java #DeepLearning eBook 

Only available for the next 20 hours 


  • Time is running out to claim this free ebook – – Dive into the future of data science and learn how to build the sophisticated algorithms that are fundamental to deep learning and AI with Java.
  • Starting with an introduction to basic machine learning algorithms, to give you a solid foundation, Deep Learning with Java takes you further into this vital world of stunning predictive insights and remarkable machine intelligence.
  • By the end of the book, you’ll be ready to tackle Deep Learning with Java.
  • Wherever you’ve come from – whether you’re a data scientist or Java developer – you will become a part of the Deep Learning revolution!

A new free programming tutorial book every day! Develop new tech skills and knowledge with Packt Publishing’s daily free learning giveaway.

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Generating Photorealistic Images of Fake Celebrities with Artificial Intelligence – NVIDIA Developer News Center

Researchers from @NVIDIA used #GANs to generate photorealistic images of fake celebrities.

  • Researchers from NVIDIA recently published a paper detailing their new methodology for generative adversarial networks (GANs) that generated photorealistic pictures of fake celebrities.
  • Rather than train a single neural network to recognize pictures, researchers train two competing networks.
  • “The key idea is to grow both the generator and discriminator progressively:  starting from a low resolution, we add new layers that model increasingly fine details as training progresses,” explained the researchers in their paper Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability and Variation.
  • Since the publicly available CelebFaces Attributes (CelebA) training dataset varied in resolution and visual quality — and not sufficient enough for high output resolution — the researchers generated a higher-quality version of the dataset consisting of 30,000 images at 1024 x 1024 resolution.
  • Generating convincing realistic images with GANs are within reach and the researchers plan to use TensorFlow and multi-GPUs for the next part of the work.

Researchers from NVIDIA recently published a paper detailing their new methodology for generative adversarial networks (GANs) that generated photorealistic pictures of fake celebrities.

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Intel AI helped create a music video

Its art 📽️
Intel #AI Helped Create An Amazing #Music Video

  • This is something of an ideal situation for the AI: the effects shots all involve relatively still, uncluttered views of Lee’s face, and the producers clearly aren’t striving for absolute realism.
  • Even so, the Intel technology hints at how AI may shape special effects in videos going forward.

AI is increasingly finding its way into music videos, and not necessarily in obvious ways. Intel has revealed that the promo clip for Chinese pop star Chris Le…

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AlphaGo Zero: The Most Significant Research Advance in AI

#AlphaGoZero: The Most Significant Research Advance in #AI  #AlphaGo

  • The previous version of AlphaGo beat the human world champion in 2016.
  • The new AlphaGo Zero beat the previous version by 100 games to 0, and learned Go completely on its own.
  • Here is the Nature paper explaining technical details (also PDF version: Mastering the Game of Go without Human Knowledge One of the main reasons for success was the use of a novel form of Reinforcement learning in which AlphaGo learned by playing itself.The system starts with a neural net that…
  • It plays millions of games against itself and tuned the neural network to predict next move and the eventual winner of the games.The updated neural network was merged with the Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm to create a new and stronger version of AlphaGo Zero, and the process resumed.
  • In each iteration, the performance improved by a small amount, but because it can play millions of games a day, AlphaGo Zero surpassed thousands of years of human knowledge of Go in just 3 days., from DeepMind post This is a hugely significant advance for AI and Machine Learning research.Here…

The previous version of AlphaGo beat the human world champion in 2016. The new AlphaGo Zero beat the previous version by 100 games to 0, and learned Go completely on its own. We examine what this means for AI.

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Armies Race to Deploy Drone, Self-Driving Tech on the Battlefield

Armies race to deploy #drone, self-driving tech on the battlefield  #drones #AI

  • Robotic vehicles are taking aim at the modern battlefield.
  • In Israel, semi-automated vehicles patrol some of the country’s borders.

Foot soldiers for years have watched as wars in the air have been transformed by the introduction of drones. Now ground troops are starting to enjoy some of the same benefits.

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Making AI a reality in banking

Making AI a reality in banking
#AI #MachineLearning #Fintech #ML #Banking #tech

  • Extensive automation of business processes in international banking using artificial intelligence, robotics and machine learning, which I’m going to collectively call robotic process automation (RPA), is set to transform the way banks and financial services – firms do business – particularly in areas such as trade finance and similar complex…
  • The software robots will need to have access to the hundreds business – processing rules at the bank -the relevant common objects and components, in addition to the specific product-related objects and components.
  • This will be required so that entire business processes, from the relevant portal system for the bank’s customers, – through the mid- and back-office systems inside the bank, further on to the relevant business parties via the relevant channels (SWIFT, clearing houses etc.) around the globe, can be end-to-end automated…
  • To achieve this, banks need to scale back their reliance on legacy core banking systems and implement a modern IT platform built on international standards with all relevant business processing rules available.
  • This should include information and related – business processing rules about the customers, the customer accounts, the customer agreements, the banks, the bank’s accounts, agreements with banks, agreement between involved banks, GL accounts, the products, the commissions, charges and fees, interest, – the pricing rules, the clearing houses and clearing…

Extensive automation of business processes in international banking using artificial intelligence, r…

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Zeynep Tufekci: We’re building a dystopia just to make people click on ads

Are we building an AI-powered dystopia just to make people click on ads?  #AI #DeepLearning

  • We’re building an artificial intelligence-powered dystopia, one click at a time, says techno-sociologist Zeynep Tufekci.
  • In an eye-opening talk, she details how the same algorithms companies like Facebook, Google and Amazon use to get you to click on ads are also used to organize your access to political and social information.
  • Techno-sociologist Zeynep Tufekci asks big questions about our societies and our lives, as both algorithms and digital connectivity spread.

We’re building an artificial intelligence-powered dystopia, one click at a time, says techno-sociologist Zeynep Tufekci. In an eye-opening talk, she details how the same algorithms companies like Facebook, Google and Amazon use to get you to click on ads are also used to organize your access to political and social information. And the machines aren’t even the real threat. What we need to understand is how the powerful might use AI to control us — and what we can do in response.

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#PlaidML now has preliminary support for for Mac and Python 3:

#Keras #OpenCL #DeepLearning

  • Last week we announced the release of PlaidML, an open source software framework designed to enable deep learning on every device.
  • We received immediate requests for Mac and Python 3, today we’re pleased to announce preliminary support for both.
  • Installing PlaidML with Keras on a Mac is as simple as , but we’ve added something extra: – – We’ve updated plaidvision with support for macOS and Mac built-in webcams.
  • The actual installation only takes a moment: – – PlaidML on Mac is a preview and we are very interested in hearing about user experiences.
  • We’d especially like to thank GitHub user Juanlu001, our first open source contributor, for taking the lead on Python 3 support.

Last week we announced the release of PlaidML, an open source software framework designed to enable deep learning on every device. Our goal with PlaidML is to make deep learning accessible by supporting the most popular hardware and software already in the hands of developers, researchers, and students. Last week’s release supported Python 2.7 on Linux. We received immediate requests for Mac and Python 3, today we’re pleased to announce preliminary support for both.

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