Fees have gone up dramatically and few members are racing. Further the source of fundraising for race fees is gone. Thus the decision has been made to not pay fees for racing this year. If any members have ideas for future fundraising possibilities bring it up to a board member.
Don't Miss Out
Its Time to Sign up for Ski Trips
Bring Your Checkbook to the Meeting
2018 Mammoth Trips are 1/18-21, 2/8-11, 3/8-11 and 3/22-25
Nov 3-5 Ramona Oaks Camping
Or Join Us for the Day
Optional Wine Tour
Check out the campsites at: rorvpark.com
Ramona is having The 5th Annual.Art & Wine Festival near by on High Valley Road on:Saturday, November 4th.
I heard they are providing a shuttle from the campgrounds.
For info.. RamonaArtandWineFest.net Any questions / BBQ Plans social@nisnowdrifter.com 760-828-8983
Join the Snowdrifters to Celebrate the Holidays with more events
June 1st started our new membership year. Current rates are $45 single and $65 family.
Get the application from our
website at: http://www.nisnowdrifter.com/docs/NISMemApp2017.pdf
Please mail your dues to the Membership Director:
Alan Godwin
4678 Muir Ave.
San Diego, CA 92107
PS. If there are no changes to your information you only need to print your name, sign, and date the form.
5:00 -10:00 pm Dinner at 6:00 pm. No Host Bar (Tacos & Gorditas Served)
Check Payable to SDCSC, Mail to
Chris Gill
5142 Biltmore Street,
San Diego Ca. 92117.
Tickets $40.00 per person. Non –refundable. No Walk ins. Deadline 10/30/17