Semi regular newsletter featuring interesting links and articles
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Random Interesting Things
A semi regular newsletter by R.I.Pienaar
Welcome to the next issue of my newsletter, expect when-its-good-and-ready frequency issues full of interesting things I come across online.

A compact little issue this week full of interesting links.   Enjoy!
- [ Development ] -
Creating good documentation is one of the hardest parts of any Open Source project, it's the one thing projects fail on consistently and even ones who try to pay this proper attention struggle with this.  Style guide help us when coding and so Google released their Developer Documentation Style Guide.  Great work that can guide your efforts.

An interesting counter point to the current hype around Go routines.  Go concurrency considered harmful is worth a read.

The inner workings of things like Google Authenticator is quite interesting, a detailed post titled Inside Two-Factor Authentication Apps covers this well.

This is a bit of a recurring theme - Visual explorations of Raft - A new entry titled How Raft Works is quite good.

- [ DevOps ] -
I quite like tools like ./jq and other data query languages.  Had a big hand in creating a very early entry into this space called jgrepJSONata is one I did not come across before and it looks quite nice.

I'm quite enjoying the current uptake in stream processing engines.  There's a great post exploring how Kafka is used by the NYT. You should also really take the time to watch a talk by Sam Stokes about Kafka and building a distributed column store using it.

There's a interesting project to monitor your wifi network for intrusions and such.  There's been some high profile issues with Wifi the last while, might be time to start paying it more attention.

A bit old news now but Keybase launched encrypted git repositories. I've often wondered what on they plan to do to make money their recent chat and now this is interesting, not sure its enough but good effort.

ImageMagick has a pretty awful security track.  There's a new player called ImageFlow that puts security first and is a lot faster.

Quite a good post on how to refocus your dashboard to serve their goals better and improve visibility.

RedHat released an amazing document titled Principals of container-based application design.  This is a must read.

- [ /dev/random ] -
rat is a weird little DSL for building interactive terminal apps

We all know stats can be deceiving but it's hard to really grok the impact, visualising it really help!

GNU Recutils is a strange little human readable data base format.  I really like this kind of thing.
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