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March 2017

Dear church family,

I just returned from a weekend retreat with our Confirmation class, which was one of the highlights of the past year. Seven middle schoolers played hard, set some records in the first “Confirmation Games” (start training now, little brothers and sisters!), and focused deeply when it came time to talk about faith. After almost six months of meeting weekly, this was an opportunity to make for the first time (or re-make) a profession of faith privately before God. They will have the opportunity to do so publicly in May with the congregation. I was moved by their seriousness, their thoughtfulness, and their desire to follow Christ. Big thanks to Jim and Angela Hinton for hosting and Megan Butler for helping with the weekend.

I am pleased to welcome Sara Halpin to the church staff and church family as our new Director of Youth and Children’s Ministries! Jonathan Hetterly shared the news a few Sundays ago and there is a longer article later in this issue of the Voice. She will be with us in worship on March 5 and begins work on Monday, March 6. Please look out for her to give her a big Good Shepherd welcome and thank you for your prayers during this search!
We are about to enter the season of Lent.  For those of you who have not been exposed to the concept of a liturgical year, it ‘maps’ the story of Jesus (and to some extent the whole Bible), beginning with the anticipation and celebration of Jesus' birth in December and following his life and ministry through to his death and resurrection, celebrated on Easter.  After Easter, other aspects of God's story are celebrated: Jesus' Ascension, the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, and the like.  The 40 days before Easter are called "Lent" and give us opportunity to remember, reflect upon, and even experience Jesus' time of testing and preparation in the wilderness before beginning his public ministry.  It is a time to remember what it means to be human and to recognize our great need for God's saving action.  It starts with our Ash Wednesday service on March 1 – potluck dinner at 6pm and a worship service at 7pm. That Wednesday night service will also kick off a new every-other-Wednesday-night dinner/groups at church. Look for more about that later in this newsletter.
During Lent I will be preaching on blessing. Too often, we hear a distorted message about blessing, equating it with prosperity, success, or wealth. But it is a deeply significant concept in scripture and one that Jesus spoke about often. Over the weeks leading up to Easter we will look together at the question, “What does it mean to be blessed?”

Finally, don't miss the great updates on outreach ministries (you'll have to read or scroll through to the end of the newsletter) - really exciting news!!

In Christian love,
Series: "What Does it Mean to Be Blessed?”

March 05: Poor or Rich? (Luke 6:20,24)
March 12: Hungry or Well-Fed? (Luke 6:21a,25a)
March 19: Weeping or Laughing? (Luke 6:21b,25b)
March 26: Hated or Held Up? (Luke 6:22-23,26)

April 02: Love and Prayer in the Mud (Luke 6:27-38)
April 09 (Palm Sunday): One Who Comes in the Name of the Lord (Mark 11:1-11)
April 13 (Maundy Thursday): Do the Things You Know (John 13:5-17)
April 16 (Easter Sunday): Holy and Sure Blessings (Acts 13:29-41)


MAR events

01: 9:45a: Book Club
01: 6p: Potluck!
01: 7p: Ash Wednesday Service
05: 5p: Art Sanctuary Group
06: 6p or 7p: Alison Littauer Bible Study
07: 9:15a: Women’s am Bible Study
07: 7p: Women’s pm Bible Study
08: 9a: Crisis Assistance
11: 8a: Gardening Group
12: Daylight Savings Time
12: 12:15p: Primetimers Irish Lunch
13: 6p,7p: Alison Littauer Bible Study
14: 9:15a: Women’s am Bible Study
14: 7p: Women’s pm Bible Study
14: 7p: Ministry Teams
14: 8p: Session
15: 9a: Book Club
15: 6-8p: Church Gathering (potluck and groups)
18: 7p: Dessert/Game Grp
19: 12:15p: Deacon Mtg
19: 5p: Art Sanctuary Grp
20: 6p or 7p: Alison Littauer Bible Study
21: 9:15a: Women’s am Bible Study
21: 7p: Women’s pm Bible Study
25: 8a: Gardening Group
25: 12p: Annual Ladies Tea
26: Voice Deadline
27: 6p or 7p: Alison Littauer Bible Study (Last Class)
28: 9:15a: Women’s am Bible Study
28: 7p: Women’s pm Bible Study

4.05: 6p: Church Gathering (potluck and groups)
4.12: 9a: Crisis Assistance
4.13: 7p:  Maunday Thursday Service
4.19: 6p: Church Gathering (potluck and groups)


MAR service

Matt Butler (captain)
Lisa VanderHeide (preparer)

usher captain:
Russ Lancaster
Jim Hinton
Lily Orr (youth)
Maggie Slade (youth)

lay assistant:
Clay Cupples
12: Robb Hutton
19: Megan Butler
26: Ashley VanderHeide

children's message:
05: Pastor Robert
Pastor Robert
19: Sarah Halpin
26: Sarah Halpin

children's church:
None (communion)

12: Katie Meeks
19: Cindy Dolinger
26: Doran Buchmann

05: Emily Pearce,
      Kaitlyn Hetterly
12: Marty McKenzie,
       Henry Slade
19: Beth Kreutzer,
      Mira Pearce

26: Robin Orr,
      Kaitlyn Hetterly

fellowship time:
05: John/Beth Kreutzer
12: Clay/Candace Cupples
19: Ronnie/Cindy Dolinger
26: Claire Doster


MAR birthday

08: Dena Goudy
08: Ruth Ruane
11: Marty McKenzie
11: Maggie Slade
12: Adam Mayes
13: Robin Orr
14: Allison Houston
14: Lynne Lynch
14: Katie Meeks
15: Robert Austell
18: Andrew Kinken
25: James Doster
24: Billy Howell
27: Melissa Lancaster
28: Cole Terrell
31: Gordon Hayes
31: Susan Spaulding
31: Quay Youngblood

If we have missed anyone, please let us know so we can update our records!

**Remember that you can access our church calendars online at
Preschool Fall Registration
We are registering for fall preschool NOW!! Do you have a friend or neighbor with young children? If so, send them our way. We would love to share our program with them in hopes that they would become part of our preschool family in the fall. Tours are available any morning of the week during preschool hours (9-1). Contact Melissa in the Preschool Office for more information (704)362-2319. Check us out online too -


Ladies, mark your calendars for the Annual Ladies Spring Tea to be held here at GSPC on Saturday, March 25 at 10:30am, with a special presentation from our very own Cynthia Wiley. Ladies of all ages invited and please invite friends and family! Cost is $7.00. Sign up in the Welcome area. Please contact Kim Kinken with any questions at 704-763-3661.

SUNDAY school

We had a great breakfast for Rally Day and a great first week of the new classes, but please feel free to join at any time. It's never too late! Children's classes and confirmation classes are continuing from last semester, but below are three new classes for this semester - two for adults and one for high school youth. 
What is Reformed Theology?- Teacher: Jim Hinton
topical, study and discussion, academic and life application
In honor of the 500th anniversary of The Protestant Reformation, we’re bringing back a class we did over 10 years ago on the basics of Reformed Theology. Using a book by Ligonier Ministries’ R.C. Sproul, Reformed theology guru, this class will explore the basic tenets of what we believe, including the five solas of the Reformation:  Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Christus, and Soli Deo Gloria.
The Pre-Exilic Prophets - Teacher: Kathy Larson
textual, academic, study and discussion, life application
Hold on to your hats! We’re going on a wild ride through Old Testament history! In the last 10 years or so, we’ve covered all of Old Testament history from Creation through Israel’s monarchy. Now we’re starting a kinda scary period of Israel’s history - the prophets. I say scary because the message of the prophets was pretty much doom and gloom… but always with a ray of hope at the end of the tunnel! The prophets were enforcers of God’s covenant and they came to warn the people that they had broken the covenant and urge them to repent. The message was one of judgment and punishment. But the God of love never punishes for the sake of punishment, but to bring people back to Him. Therefore, in every message of punishment, we also see a message of hope, a message of reconciliation. God doesn’t want to kick His people to the curb. He wants to bring them into right relationship with Him! That message is just as relevant today as it was in pre-exilic times, as it has been in every generation in between. We will learn to hear that message for ourselves. Not just the need for repentance we see in the culture around us or others around us, but how we personally need to turn around from the paths we are walking and turn back to Jesus.

8th-12th grade: teacher: Jonathan Hetterly 
This class will use a study called "God's Answers to Our Deepest Questions," by Will Wyatt. Will and his wife Betty are dear friends of the Hetterlys and ran the discipleship program that Julie and Jonathan experienced when we were both involved in YoungLife in college. Students will explore how their faith has grown and been challenged with greater understanding of (and sometimes struggles with) what the Bible teaches. It also encourages teens to explore how their own personal life experiences shape their beliefs, both in positive and sometimes detrimental ways. It is biblically based and will stretch teens in their understanding of not just what the Bible says but what it means. 
If you haven't been involved in Sunday School in the past, I would strongly recommend making it a priority to get yourself and your family there just an hour and a half earlier! Sunday School is not only a time to learn more about the Bible, it can be a time to make deeper connections with others in your church family, to dig deeper into God's word, to be challenged in how to apply it to your life, and to grow in your own faith. Our Sunday School classes exist for you. Everyone I know who has attended them has said they were not a burden or an extra thing to 'have to' do, but they were life-giving and a joy. Please consider joining us!

PRIMETIMERS irish luncheon

Primetimers, please save Sunday, March 12th for an “Irish” Baked Potato Luncheon at the church following the church service. Sign-up sheet is on the counter in the gathering area. Committee will furnish the potatoes, toppings and drinks. Cost will be $5.00. Sign-up to bring dessert or salad and a friend.  Any questions or concerns, call Jane Chiseck at 704-560-5251.

GO gspckids!

We wanted to highlight and say CONGRATULATIONS to Robin Hetterly! She is a part of the National Junior Beta Club at her school. Membership is based on academic merit, leadership, and character. Each member has to be recommended by a teacher or staff at the school. Beta Club is an honor and service club and Robin's chapter has done things such as make sandwiches for the homeless and then went downtown to pass them out. They competed in the SC Beta Convention in many areas of study (math, science, social studies, robotics, posters, banners, t-shirt design... just about anything area in which you can imagine to have kids compete).

Robin submitted a piece of art she worked on at school with a local artist. Her piece won first prize for her category (pastels or charcoal). The theme for SC Beta Club this year is "Above and Beyond" with a rocket ship. She wanted to incorporate the space theme and convey hope within that theme. She drew a planet with three friends on the ring of the planet with a flower growing on the top of the planet. It will now be submitted for the National Beta Club convention in Orlando in June. Way to go, Robin!

VBS coming

Mark your calendars and tell your friends that Vacation Bible School will be June 26 -- June 29! Please note the date change.

DRAMATIC outreach

After auditions in late February, 22 kids and 5 adults are preparing to participate in our Spring Plays. This is a significant outreach, as 5 kids and 2 adults are from Good Shepherd, and the rest are from the wider community.

The children will be participating in acting/writing workshops for three weeks. They will then create stories which the adults will develop into short one-act plays. Then the group will work together for six weeks rehearsing for performances on May 6-7.

Please save the date to attend and bring friends to this very special event!

See below for some more pictures from the auditions!

We can't wait to see what all they come up with!!

SARA welcome!

On behalf of the session, personnel team, and search committee, it brings me great joy to welcome and introduce you to Sara Halpin, who will be our Director of Youth and Children’s Ministries (DYCM). We met Sara through her application to the youth position, through multiple phone interviews and conversations, and through a four-day visit with the families of the search committee and several others in the church. Sara begins work at Good Shepherd on Monday, March 6.
Sara graduated last May from Westminster College in New Wilmington, PA, with a B.A. degree in Christian Education. She came to faith as a teenager through a local youth group and has a passion for seeing youth know the Lord and grow in faith during those critical years. Through college she completed internships and volunteered in ministries to children, youth, college-aged students, and even adults. And she has significant short-term mission experience through her own youth group, during college, and with an adult trip to Malawi with the Pittsburgh presbytery. She applied for the youth position we listed, but when we came back to her in January with the news that we wanted to include ministry to children as part of the job, she did not hesitate to say yes, as she has extensive experience and love for children’s ministry as well.
It is always a transition for a church to adjust to new ministry leadership after a long and blessed tenure. Even as I followed Dr. Bill after 20 yrs, Sara follows Kathy (10 yr youth dir.) and Joanie (7 yr youth dir.), both of whom also came to us right out of college. But truth be told, youth ministry (and ministry) has changed so much in the last five years that it’s a whole new ball-game anyway! With so much competing for teenagers’ time, and at such a high entertainment level, good youth ministry is no longer driven as much by a big group ‘gathering’ event as it is with one-on-one or small group relational encounters. And that’s where we think Sara will shine brightest! When you talk with her, you have her full attention; she wants to move past the surface and connect in a way that is authentic and real, and saturated with the love of Christ. And we think that is not only what teenagers want, but also what they need. Sara is also gifted at interacting with children. We think our children are going to flock to her and love her as she spends time with them teaching them about God’s love and the stories of faith in scripture.
Sara will be new to Charlotte, moving down March 3-5 from her home near Pittsburgh, PA. She will live temporarily with church members until she can find a suitable apartment. She will also be working to build a team of volunteers to work with youth, to go on summer mission trips, and to work with children. I hope that if you are approached to be part of those teams that you will prayerfully consider saying ‘yes’!
Special thanks to our search committee: Jonathan Hetterly (chair), Katie Meeks, Emily Pearce, Chris Orr, and Karen Katibah. Also, thank you to Mark and Melissa Katibah for housing Sara during her visit to Charlotte. And finally, thank you to all of you who prayed diligently and faithfully for the Lord to connect us to the right person for this next season of our life and ministry together.

In Christ, Robert

We have enjoyed bringing back Wednesday night dinners over the last year and a half so much that we want to bring it all back! Starting in March*, we will have Wednesday night programming TWICE a month on the FIRST and THIRD Wednesdays of the month, from 6:00-8:00 pm

* We will kick things off on March 1 with dinner (6pm) and an all-church Ash Wednesday service (7pm), then we will follow the schedule below starting on Wed., March 15.
6:00 - 7:00 pm: The first hour will be a covered dish supper, like normal. Remember, bring whatever you want to share. No pressure to make anything fancy or to even go homemade. Grabbing something at the grocery store or even Taco Bell on the way is great!  
7:00 - 8:00 pm: The second hour we will split into different groups for fun, fellowship, and growing in faith together. One of the groups has already meeting for 30+ years - CHOIR! We will also start a new DRAMA TEAM for people who are interested in producing short skits and videos for worship on a more regular basis. There will also be a KNITTING group, a second BOOK CLUB group, a BIBLE STUDY with Pastor Robert, and groups for children and youth. 
If you haven't been involved in Wednesday nights in the past, I would really encourage you to make it a priority. It can be a breath of fresh air in a busy week to reconnect with church family for a couple of hours. I know my kids love it! If you have any questions, contact Kathy Larson (704-668-3467;

MINISTRY opportunity

2ND Wednesday Volunteer Day at Crisis Assistance will be March 8.  Please join us. Meet at church at 9 am. You will be back at church before 12:30. Questions?  Call Angela Hinton 704-607-8882.
MEN'S events

3rd Tuesday - Mar. 21 at 6:30 is Wings Night.  We will meet at Buffalo Wings & Rings (at the corner of Audrey Kell and Marvin Rd).  You are welcome to bring your children.

EASTER lilies

Spring is approaching and with it comes the time of year when we celebrate our
risen Lord and Savior. A time-honored tradition of honoring our loved ones is by placing white Lilies in the sanctuary on Easter Morning. This year we will be ordering 10” white Lilies at a cost of $10 each. Be on the lookout for an order form which will be inserted in the Bulletins beginning on March 19th. Extra order forms will be available outside the Sanctuary. Please write the names of your loved ones legibly so they can be published in the Easter morning bulletin. The deadline for ordering flowers is Palm Sunday, April 9th. Please place your order form along with your payment in the offering plate. Checks should be made to GSPC and marked “Easter flowers.”

After the service on Easter morning, please take your Lilies home to enjoy with your families.


Bonclarken Sign Ups starting now!!!
It’s that time again! This year, our church retreat in the mountains will be July 28-30, 2017. More details to follow in the coming weeks, but we would like to start getting a headcount. Signups will begin Sunday, February 12th. If you have any questions, please contact Kim Kinken


It’s time for Spring Cleaning! Plan to join your Good Shepherd family for some spring chores at the church on Saturday, April 1st from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Even if you can only come for part of that time, please come and there will be things available for all ages to do so we can spruce up the facility (inside and out). Lunch will be provided. More details coming in March from the Facilities committee. Contact John Kreutzer ( or the church, if you have specific questions.


After the Community Garden Open House at the end of February, 5-6 beds are rented and several folks want to join the Community Garden group. Folks heard about our Garden through fliers, social media, emails, and word of mouth. All the neighborhoods which surround the church are represented in our new population! The group is diverse in knowledge of gardening - from beginners who have never grown a thing to novice growers to folks who have had big gardens before.

We heard the same theme repeated throughout the morning: "We want to garden/grow food but have no way to do it where we live." Wow! GSPC is able to provide these neighbors with something they'd been lacking and we pray that they'll soon also find a sense of community here! Please be in prayer for us and our new friends.
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Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, All rights reserved.

3307 Rea Road - Charlotte, NC 28226 - 704-364-1234 -

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