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Latest Articles

NSW define common property

NSW: Q&A Does the Owners Corporation Have a Duty to Define Common Property?

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: Does the Owners Corporation have a duty to define common property? Should a busy thoroughfare right outside our unit entry not have been put on the title and marked as a walkway?
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Concrete cancer

The Age of Concrete Cancer

BRS Building Rectification Services
Can concrete cancer be fixed? Effects of concrete cancer are starting to show in Hi-rise apartment buildings built back in the 1970s.
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Prox Access security systems installer and solutions against Airbnb
QLD MR Agreements

QLD: Q&A Varying A Management Rights Agreement

Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
Question: Can terms of a Caretaker's contract be altered without first referring the proposed change to the lot owners?
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NSW Trip Hazard

NSW: Q&A Eliminating a Trip Hazard in a Courtyard Area

Peter Berney, Solutions In Engineering
Question: Should my uneven courtyard pavers be repaired quickly? Who is responsible for the cost of eliminating the trip hazard?
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WA strata levies

WA: Q&A What Do Strata Levies Cover? Why Am I Paying Strata Levies?

Strata GP
Question: I feel I receive nothing for the strata levies I pay. There are many problems around the building. Nobody seems to care about the complex or the people who live here.
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SA Smoking balcony

SA: Q&A What Can I Do About Smoke Drift From Neighbour Smoking On Balcony

Josh Smith, Ace Body Corporate Management
Question: I am unable to have my door open or sit outside due to smoke drift from my neighbour smoking on balcony. What rights do I have to stop this?
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NSW NCAT Tribunal

Explaining the Tribunal process, including penalties under the new NSW law - PODCAST

Amanda Farmer, Your Strata Property
This podcast discusses how recent changes to the NSW Act have affected the way disputes are dealt with in the NCAT Tribunal.
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NSW sale whole building

NSW: Sale of whole buildings

Madison Marcus Law Firm
We consider how the Strata Scheme Amendments make it easier for owners to end a strata scheme for the purpose of placing the whole building for sale.
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Last Week's Star Article

QLD Large Dogs

QLD: Q&A Do Apartments Allow Large Dogs? If Not, Where Do I Stand?

Todd Garsden, Hynes Legal
Question: Do apartments allow large dogs? I have heard of many onsite managers having special approval for a dog, so surely there is something that can be done.
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Whitbread Insurance Brokers

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Strata Insurance Solutions

News of the Week

NSW: Strata schemes that pre-registered for loose-fill asbestos testing must email their special resolution by 31 Mar.
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Docklands news

VIC: Proposal for differential OC charging 
Tom Bacon,
Docklands News

As part of its review into consumer property law legislation including the Owners Corporation Act, Consumer Affairs Victoria is currently considering a number of different options for reform.

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Legal services to the construction, building and property industries

Melbourne Fire & Electrical

I personally invite you to call us so we can discuss your site’s needs. 

FYI QLD Landlords

New smoke alarm requirements since 1 January 2017

There are new requirements for smoke alarms in all dwellings (being houses or units) which commenced 1 January 17.

The rules are not retrospective but they will apply when a dwelling is relet (whether to a new or existing tenant).

You can click here for the QFES summary and here for a more detailed explanation. The OFT also has a section on it.

All property managers should make sure their clients are aware of the requirements to comply with the new rules. There is little doubt where liability would sit if there was a fire and the smoke alarms were not compliant. 

This information has been provided by Hynes Legal. For assistance,  contact:

Breaking News

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Capitalising On Solar Access Rights Wattblock

Airbnb landlord hit with record fine of $417,000 in Amsterdam

Tired of wasting time in meetings? Try this - W.A.I.T. The $200 Million Business Coach

Apartments along NSW coastline top of February property clock: HTW Property Observer

NSW: Harry Triguboff Sydney apartment portfolio surpasses 3,000 Property Observer

QLD: Will an election further delay strata reforms in Queensland?  Hartley's BCM


VIC: Firefighter injured in massive fire at Clayton apartment complex The Age

Melbourne apartments: number of bedrooms hard to pinpoint as developers reign Domain

Melbourne likely to face an apartment undersupply Property Observer

WA: Work on big South Perth apartment development to start soon The West Australian

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