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ANPC News - February 2017
Bring Back the Banksias project workshop - Friday 24 February 9am - 3pm
In conjunction with Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority and supported by the Norman Wettenhall Foundation, the workshop will showcase what has been happening with regards to Silver Banksia (Banksia marginata) research, mapping, genetics and seed orchards over the past few months.
Download the flyer here. Download the Agenda here.
Location: Bush Nursing Centre, 115 Montgomery St, LAKE BOLAC, Victoria
RSVP: email ANPC Project Manager Martin Driver

ANPC survey on the Australian native seed industry - new closing date 28 April 2017
Due to popular demand, the Australian native seed industry survey, undertaken in October 2016 prior to the APCC11 seed industry workshop, has now re-opened! Anyone who is interested in completing the survey, and missed out last year, can email Martin Driver and he will send you the survey link. Australian seed collectors, growers/sellers/suppliers, purchasers/distributors and other interested parties are invited to participate in this survey on the status of the Australian native seed industry. Read more here.

Participants brainstorming at the Australian Native Seed Industry Review workshop at the 11th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference (Photo: Martin Driver)

Review of the ANPC's 'Guidelines for Translocation of Threatened Plants in Australia'
The ANPC is delighted to announce that we have received funding from the National Environmental Science Program's Threatened Species Recovery Hub to produce the third edition of the translocation guidelines. The project forms part of the Hub's larger Project 4.3 - 'Improving threatened plant reintroduction success and species recovery'. The review will be undertaken during 2017 through consultation and liaison with a wide range of experts (scientists and practitioners), community representatives and organisations, and a final draft will be produced in early 2018. More information will be available soon and a national consultation workshop is planned for May 2017, so watch this space!

ANPC calendars still available!
The 2017 ANPC calendar features 12 threatened Victorian plants which are listed as endangered Australia-wide. Price reduced to $10.00 each  (+postage and handling).
Download the order form here. The calendars are also available from the ANPC office at the Australian National Botanic Gardens in Canberra between 10am and 2pm daily. All profits from the calendars are being directed towards ANPC projects aiming to raise community awareness of threatened plant species and endangered ecological communities.

Join the ANPC for 2017 and help us promote and improve plant conservation in Australia.
ANPC membership entitles you to discounts and benefits including: subscription to the ANPC’s quarterly bulletin Australasian Plant Conservation; the FREE e-version of Plant Germplasm Conservation in Australia, discounts to ANPC workshops, conferences and forums; and discounted subscription to Ecological Management and Restoration (EMR). Joining is one of the most solid contributions you can make to our work. Membership fees are an essential part of our financial base, and members and member-organisations are the lifeblood of our network. Online membership payments are now available. For your convenience, you can also register for secure automatic annual renewal of your membership using your credit card.

Other news:

Proposed listing of the 'Poplar Box Grassy Woodland on Alluvial Plains' ecological community - invitation to comment on draft conservation advice
In 2013, the national Threatened Species Scientific Committee received and accepted a nomination to list the Poplar Box Grassy Woodland on Alluvial Plains as a nationally threatened ecological community under the Federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act). The Committee has since undertaken its scientific assessment, and drafted a Conservation Advice, which compiled information from published papers, reports, and also drew on advice from key experts familiar with this ecological community. The draft conservation advice clarifies what vegetation should be the basis of any listing and what national threat status is likely to apply. The Committee invites you to provide input on the draft conservation advice regarding the proposed threatened status and priority management actions. The draft conservation advice can be downloaded here. The closing date for comment is Friday 10 March 2017.

Information guide is now available for the 'Banksia Woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain' ecological community
The ecological community was listed as endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 in September 2016. The guide is intended to assist the public to understand the national listing of the Banksia Woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain ecological community – What it is? Why it is threatened? What does national protection mean for people in the region? This guide accompanies the approved Conservation Advice, which is the definitive source of information on the ecological community. For more information to to Species Profile and Threats Database.

Special issue of Ecography on habitat loss and fragmentation - the biggest global driver of species loss 
Edited by Nick Haddad and colleagues. You can read or freely download here any of the papers, including an excellent synthesis by Haddad et al. Tom Lovejoy, the founder of the iconic Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project in Brazil, called this "the best collection of cutting-edge fragmentation research in the last decade". Contributed by Dr William F. Laurance, James Cook University
Review of the National Environmental Biosecurity Response Agreement (NEBRA)
The Commonwealth and all state and territory governments are undertaking this independent review. They are seeking comments on the implementation and effectiveness of the agreement in the five years since its commencement. The submission period is now open and will close at 5pm AEDST on 17 March 2017. All interested parties are encouraged to make a written submission via email or the online submission form. A discussion paper has been developed, providing background to the NEBRA, its key policies and processes and highlighting key themes for discussion under the review. It is recommended that the discussion paper is read before you prepare a submission. For further information, please contact Doug Wright (02) 6191 6911 or the NEBRA Five Year Review Secretariat.
The app is based on the popular computer key (distributed as a USB) of the same name. It identifies trees, shrubs and climbing plants that occur naturally or have become naturalized (including exotic weeds) in rainforest from Rockhampton to Victoria. At the core of this app is an interactive identification key powered by Lucid. The key includes 1140 plant species, to help confirm identification the app provides line drawings, over 8000 photos and extensive information on each species, including previously unavailable botanical details. A customised image gallery walk-through tutorial assists the user in working the key and accessing the content. The introductory sections include a glossary, information and images on rainforest and the types of rainforest used in this key. Click on the relevant link below for more information and to purchase. Note: once installed an internet connection is not required, so great for field work.
Android - Google Play Store                     iOS - Apple iTunes

Other conferences and events:

NSW Nature Conservation Council 11th Biennial Bushfire Conference - Sydney, 30 May - 1 June 2017
'Fire, Fauna and Ferals: from backyards to bush'. Conference registrations are now open. Call for abstracts has been extended until Wednesday 15 February. This multi-disciplinary conference will explore how fire management can support ecological values across the landscape: from our backyards through to the bushland interface and beyond. The program will examine the interactions between fire and fauna across a range of ecosystems and look at integrated approaches to managing fire, native fauna and flora, weeds and pest animals. Building on themes from previous conferences it will continue to showcase on-ground fire and restoration projects and Aboriginal burning initiatives. Visit the conference webpage for more information.

17th Australasian Vertebrate Pest Conference - Canberra 1 - 4 May 2017
The need for innovative and evidence based approaches to vertebrate pest animal management is imperative for providing solutions for Australian farmers, land managers, industry and government. Innovative solutions come in many shapes and sizes. Since 2014 the first new wild dog and fox toxin bait in 50 years has been developed as well as new cutting-edge DNA detection tools to efficiently identify invasive predators and fish. Scientists and ecologists are also on track to release the first new rabbit biocontrol agent in 20 years and Australia’s first carp biocontrol agent. These innovative solutions are providing practical technologies to improve Australian agriculture, biodiversity and build our economy. With at least 81 introduced vertebrate species having established populations in Australia – now is the time for action. Click here for more information and to register.

The ANPC gratefully acknowledges the support of the following Corporate Members:

The production of ANPC News is assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Environmental Trust


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