Meet Our Newest Team Member!
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The Cell Site Disguise Guys® would like to introduce you to our newest Team Member Jonathan Ettere. With his decade of Sales and Marketing and Project Management experience, Jonathan joins the team ready to be our Manufacturer's Rep in The Mid-Atlantic/New England States. He has worked with many companies such as VZW, Sprint, TMOB, ATT, Crown, American TWR, planning and designing telecom projects to completion.

His most recent venture of manufacturing of stock and custom made Radio-Frequency (RF) transparent solutions for both the United States and Canadian telecom industry deems him a leader who will bring to the table the ability to coordinate, facilitate and lead a project from start to finish.
One of the things we mentioned in last month's newsletter is that we want to strengthen our customer relationships by taking the time to personally visit with as many of you as possible and Jonathan will be able to help us with that in The Mid-Atlantic/New England States.

We are looking to build upon those relationships we have established by having Jonathan work closely with you to help ensure that what you want in your project gets built to your specification by our expert telecom craftsman and delivered in a timely manner.
A favorite quote of Jonathan's, “Man who catch fly with chopsticks accomplish anything” Karate Kid 1984, sums up how he looks at things/life, with precision, patient, and tenacity.

A family man who has been married over 20 years and has 3 sons, enjoys spending time with them fishing, camping and hunting. He takes delight in making his own Maple syrup and in his spare time dabbles in the arts with painting - his muse is Disney characters.
We warmly welcome Jonathan Ettere to The Cell Site Disguise Guys® and if you would like to connect with him you can send him an email at or call him at (908) 482-8508.
We have more exciting announcements to share with you so stay tuned.
Till next month.

Sincere Regards,
Karen M. Pittman

Telecom Department Manager
Copyright © 2017 Peabody Engineering, LLC, All rights reserved.

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