February 2017
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Executive Director Update

We are working with MBA Architects to plan renovations of the 6-unit apartment building that houses our Cortez Semi-Independent Living program in Sunnyvale. Over the past 28 years, dozens of Greater Opportunities consumers have participated in the transitional, two-year residential training program in skills of independent living. Graduates of the Cortez program now live with pride and independence in their own affordable housing apartments in communities throughout Santa Clara County.

To pay for renovations of the 55-year-old building, we are seeking Federal support from multiple jurisdictions that administer HUD Community Development Block Grants, including the Cities of Sunnyvale and Mountain View, and the County of Santa Clara.

Individual donations and contributions of in-kind construction materials and volunteer labor are also most welcome. We are hoping to start construction in early 2018. Keep tuned as we progress for more information about how you can help.

Craig C. King
Executive Director
Greater Opportunities
900 Lafayette Street, Suite 700
Santa Clara, CA 95050
408-248-4464 x23

Annual Campaign

Forty-one generous donors contributed to our annual campaign, raising $9,248 to help support job development and placement services for people with developmental disabilities. We are looking forward to creating many new full-wage, competitive job opportunities for our consumers. Getting a community-integrated job is a source of great pride, dignity, and self-sufficiency. We can’t thank our wonderful donors enough for the difference they make in the lives of the individuals we serve.
See Our Donors!

Annual Awards Dinner

180 staff, family members, and volunteers enjoyed fabulous food, entertainment, and recognition at the Annual Awards Dinner and Holiday Party held at the Biltmore Hotel in Sunnyvale on December 8. Thirteen outstanding employee and volunteers won well-deserved special awards for their exceptional work in 2016. San Jose Councilmember Raul Peralez emceed the event with warmth and wit. DJ Ray Navarro kept tunes spinning throughout, including for the dance party at the close of the event. Everybody had a great time and we can’t wait for next year’s event!
See the Photos!

New Board Members

Greater Opportunities welcomes Cindy Bullock, Jeff Schwalbach and Tim Mosley to our Board of Directors. Cindy’s son participates in GO’s Day Program. Jeff and Tim first met us at the Board Match event hosted by Google at their Mountain View campus. All are very excited to help us grow and spread the word about the impact of our services on the lives of people with developmental disabilities and their families.
Meet Our Board
We regularly post about the lives of our consumers and important information for people with developmental disabilities. 
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