Funeral Services for Bud Bahr, Saturday, February 18, 2:00 p.m.
Vernon H. “Bud” Bahr, age 92, of Decorah, IA, died on Monday, February 13, 2017 at Aase Haugen Senior Services in Decorah. Funeral Services will be held at Good Shepherd on Saturday, February 18, 2017, at 2:00 pm. The full obituary is available here.
Worship and Opportunities on February 19, the Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
- In our Gospel reading for this Sunday, Jesus tells us to be perfect as God is perfect. What does that mean and how could we ever do that? It is only love that shapes us into perfectly imperfect people who can live out Jesus' radical call to love.
- The Good Shepherd Handbell Choir will provide offertory music - additional rehearsal prior to the Sunday service at 8:45 a.m.
- NO Sunday School--President's Day Weekend
- Adult Forum - A Discussion of Good Shepherd's Response to the Executive Order on Refugees and Immigration. Members Jon Ailabouni and John Moeller will moderate this session organized by our Social Justice Subcommittee in response to ELCA Bishop Eaton's call for congregations to adopt a statement regarding our Christian values of welcoming refugees and immigrants. Two statements have been drafted for consideration at the Forum. To read Bishop Eaton's Pastoral Message, click here. To watch Bishop Eaton's address at Luther's convocation, click here.
February 19 Worship Leaders & Ministry Team -
- CANTOR: Jonathon Struve
- ALTAR GUILD: Judy Schoel, Bev Sheridan, Glendalu Wuest
- USHERS: David Judisch and Ray Torresdal
- GREETER: Pastor Marion Pruitt-Jefferson
- FELLOWSHIP SERVERS: Barbara Berg (F), Jim and Kathy Buzza, Chris Hick (Coordinator), Gail Judisch, Linda Wolfs
New Good Shepherd Welcome Graphic in Main Entry - The new cut-vinyl graphic on the main entry wall was designed, created, and installed by congregation and Charter Family member Erik Berg. The project was paid for by a 2016 grant received from The Depot Outlet.
“White Privilege: Let’s Talk” Small Group Conversations continue this week on Part 2 of the curriculum, Whiteness as the Norm. Pastor Amy, Jon Ailabouni and Sara Hanssen are leading the Tuesday evening sessions hosted by Good Shepherd. Refer to Decorah Congregational UCC's website ( for additional information, the possibility of future sessions, and a link to downloadable study resources.
Good Shepherd Plus Events This Week - Join the Good Shepherd group at 7:15 p.m. in Luther’s Noble Recital Hall, Jenson-Noble Hall, to hear great music and support two of our members as they offer their talents in the Faculty Artist Series. Jon Ailabouni, jazz trumpet, will perform works by female jazz composers on Wednesday, February 15. Jonathon Struve, baritone, will perform works by Bach, Butterworth, Ravel, and Tosti on Thursday, February 16. Both recitals begin at 7:30 p.m. and are open to the public with no charge for admission.
Lutherans on the Hill 2017-Tuesday, February 21 - Registration is open through Sunday, February 19. Consult this link for additional information and to register: The Northeast Iowa Synod has chartered a free bus from Waverly to the state capitol and back. Lyle Otte, Social Justice Subcommittee, is arranging carpooling from Decorah to Waverly and back for Good Shepherd members. Register for the event and contact Lyle at 419-4914 or no later than February 19 to reserve a carpool spot!
Join Lutheran Social Services of Iowa and Iowa’s three ELCA Synods in Des Moines for this opportunity to share our voices on critical human services issues with our legislators. We are powerful lobbyists for our community and can help them understand how public policy affects people in our area.
New Member Sunday, February 26 - New members will be welcomed during worship and the Fellowship Hour! If you know frequent guests, please invite them to consider membership at Good Shepherd.
Sermon Texts and Audio Recordings are available on our website at the beginning of the following week. Click here to view both options.
Sunday Bulletins are available on our website at the beginning of the following week. Click here to view recent bulletins.
Church Calendar - For additional information about events, meeting dates and times, click here to view the most current version of the Calendar.