Matters of the Heart - February News from The Pool Place
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Many people think of a pool or hot tub as a luxury, though this may be true there are many real health benefits to owning a pool or hot tub. Many of us already know that simply being in water takes stress off of our joints. It is why many people with joint or arthritis pain find exercising in a pool or relaxing in a hot tub beneficial. When submerged in water your body is 90% lighter than standing on land this can provide an opportunity to heal and strengthen your joints and reduce damage.

Increasing circulation and boosting your digestive system are also known benefits. If you have trouble sleeping, a hot tub can be a welcome relief - getting out of the hot tub your body is in an ideal state for relaxing. The jet action from the hot tub or pool, unknots those muscles and which provides relief from the tension of the day. I think it’s clear that we can see the physical benefits of owning a pool or hot tub but what tops the list is the emotional benefit. In a hurried society where people's agendas are full, it is even more important to take time to enjoy family and friends for your social and emotional well being.

A special place where you can shut down, wind down and reconnect with that special someone is no doubt the one benefit that matters the most as it improves matters of the heart!
A little more INFO...
makes it a little more "SIMPLE"
Probiotic yogurt, laundry detergent and shampoos use enzymes because of their effectiveness and versatility. The success of enzyme use in consumer products has overflowed into pools and spas. An enzyme is a catalyst and if used properly can eliminate oils and other organic contaminants in pools and spas, which leads to waterline formation, frequent filter media cleaning and cloudy water. Breaking down this matter will improve filtration and reduce sanitizer and oxidizer use. It is specific in nature as when it hits the water it comes in contact with oils and contaminants, then it binds them together - once this process is complete, small pieces are released and the enzyme can perform this action all over again.

Phosphates are the naturally occurring form of the element phosphorous, found in many phosphate minerals. In ecological terms, phosphate is a very important resource as its availability can govern the rate of growth of organisms (especially in fresh water systems). In other words, phosphate is often the determining factor in whether microorganisms like algae and bacteria grow. This important characteristic makes them undesirable in hot tub water as they can ‘fuel’ a microbial infestation (biofilm). In addition, the presence of phosphates can create a significant demand for sanitizers like bromine and chlorine as oxidizers like these will attempt to break phosphates down. Phosphates will also combine with calcium ions in the water as it heats to form a calcium phosphate complex, leading to scale formation and dull water. In salt-water hot tubs, phosphate can coat the electrodes of the device, preventing the efficient production of chlorine or bromine or cause scale to form on the electrode. Phosphates provide no useful benefit but can make successful water management problematic and costly.

Avoid the use of products which contain phosphates or are phosphate-based (i.e. certain stain and scale control products contain Phosphoric Acid, which reverts to orthophosphate after oxidation). Should your fill water contain a phosphate residual, you can treat periodically with Dazzle™ Phos Cleanse following the instructions above, to maintain a level that is not problematic.
Consider people-to-water-volume ratio, two bathers in a 1,500-L (400-gal) spa is roughly equivalent to 1,250 peo-ple in a 1-million-litre (250,000-gal) public pool.

A strong chlorine odour is a sign the water is actually inadequately sanitized.

Hot water also speeds up chemical reactions. For every 10- C (18- F) increase in temperature, chemical reactions increase twofold
Ensuring your hot tub water is balanced also goes a long way to providing safety and relaxation for you and others. Monitoring free chlorine and bromine levels, you must also keep an eye on pH, total alkalinity (TA) and total hardness.

Accurate readings are important, whether the use of a strip or solution, ensure they are not outdated and handled properly to provide you the most accurate tests. They are not fool proof. Have your water test periodically by a professional.
Pleatco Filter Wash $4.79

Filter Wash by Pleatco is a fast-acting, fizz cleaning tablet designed to penetrate deeply into any reusable filter cartridge. The fizz tablet is placed in a bucket of water and soaks the cartridge in the dirt-releasing solution. After a short time, the cartridge can be safely removed and sprayed with a hose to clean off any excess debris.
Without Circulation & Filtration you are asking a lot of your water chemistry.
These components go hand in hand with great water care!
  • Rotate the filters
  • Clean filters with proper cleaner at least once a month. More often if heavy bather load.
  • When swapping out your filters, put a dry clean filter back in.
  • Do not aggressively scrub filter.
These tips will gain additional life for your filter, your pump/s will not have to work as hard and make water maintenance easier.
"Ahhh" Moment Please...
Hot Tub Meditation

Meditation can be done almost anywhere, meditation in a hot tub provides you with the added benefit of warm water that helps to relax your mind and body. Here is a simple meditation tip to start your journey.
Ensure your surroundings are as quiet as possible, turn the jets off and make sure your water temperature is comfortable.

Let’s begin.
  • Sit comfortably. Relax your eyes, jaw, shoulders, tummy, hands and legs.
  • “Feel your Breath” breath in and out of your nose. Think out, when exhaling, (everything falls) and think in, when inhaling and you feel the rise from within.
  • When your mind wanders, and it will, watch your breath and start the rhythm again.
  • Find clarity one breath at a time. The most important thing is that once you have noticed your mind wandering and you catch it, get back to your breathing. That is the moment of clarity.
  • Practice this over and over, the more you do you, the more you will find a moment of quiet/pause and clarity and the more you will be present in your mind.
  • Start by trying this for 5 minutes or 10 minutes. I would not begin for a longer period of time. Remember pay close attention to your breathing. Then work up to 15 to 20 minutes once comfortable. You will find a new awareness and feel refreshed.
Please give me some feedback on this technique and feel free to share other techniques on hot tub meditation or yoga! It's a great way to start or end your day!
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