Friend: 1. A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. 2. One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement.
Friendly: 1a. Characteristic of or behaving as a friend. 1b. Outgoing and pleasant in social relations. 1c. Favorably disposed; not antagonistic.



Niki Feldman
Massage and Wellness

I was considering naming this newsletter "Farce February" because that's how much of the news appears to me lately. However, I think that Friendship is a more productive focus and need this month.

From Sam Keen's To Love and Be Loved:

"The next time you find yourself seated beside a stranger on a train or airplane or in some place you expect to be together for an hour or more, secretly gather as much information as you can about him or her.
Imagine that you are a spy from the Commonwealth of Love, and your assignment is to learn as much as you can about the history, the present circumstances, the philosophy of life, and the values of your companion.
Ask questions. Exercise your curiosity. Draw your companion out.

Listen with your third ear to see if you can detect the script by which this person understands his or her life. After your companion departs, review what you have learned.
How has the process of gathering information made you feel about your fleeting companion? Has what you learned made you want to know more? Has it made you feel affection or repulsion? Was there a brief moment of friendship?

Every stranger is a world waiting to be explored, an invitation to a journey."


Namaste, Niki


Yoga With Niki

Mon/Wed 12:00-1:00 Yoga for Lunch at High Desert Yoga
Tuesday 5:30-6:30 PM Yoga 1-2 Midtown Sports n Wellness
As a bee seeks nectar from all kinds of flowers
seek teachings everywhere.
Like a deer that finds a quiet place to graze
seek seclusion to digest all that you have gathered.
Like a mad one beyond all limits
go where you please and live like a lion completely free of all fear.
-Dzogchen Tantra

Bodywork with Niki:

Monday through Saturday by appointment

Tune up your body and quiet your mind with individualized bodywork.

$75/hr or $110/90 minutes


USANA Health Sciences: Effective Nutritional Supplements

These are the highest quality vitamins I've found so I've stuck with them for 12 years now!
Take the Multi (CellSentials)!


Doterra Essential Oils
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