ASX Release - Sale of two closed landfill sites
EPA Quarterly Update
Melbourne CBD air monitoring trial
March 8 2017 BCRG - change of time 4-7pm.


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1) ASX Release 31 January, 2017

Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd (ASX:CWY) has today entered into contracts of sale for two closed landfill sites located in Brooklyn, Melbourne to Pelligra Group, an experienced developer of industrial and contaminated sites.

Under the terms of the sale, Pelligra Group will assume responsibility for all remediation and ongoing monitoring works at both sites including undertaking all capping work in accordance with Victorian EPA requirements.  Cleanaway retains certain rights in relation to the sites following the sale including a right to oversee conduct of the remediation work and some limited step in rights.

Completion of the sale of the sites and transfer of the respective EPA licences is expected to occur around 2nd March 2017.

These transactions are forecast to generate a pre-tax profit on sale of approximately $20 to $22 million. The forecast profit results from the release of the rectification and remediation provisions less the book value of site assets which will transfer to the buyer on completion.  This profit is expected to be disclosed as an underlying adjustment in the Company’s FY17 results.

Based upon forecasts, the sales of these closed landfills will reduce spending on landfill rectification and remediation by approximately $20 million over the next six years.

For more information about the sites, contact
Olga Ghiri, Stakeholder and Community Relations Manager

46 Victory Road, Clarinda VIC 3169 Australia
P +61 3 9552 1716    F +61 3 9551 9217    M +61 478 316 237   
E |

2) Your environment - Your EPA

The EPA has a quarterly report that is sent to its stakeholders highlighting latest news and programs being undertaken. The latest edition can be seen by clicking here.
To receive these updates you can SUBSCRIBE on the EPA website home page as shown

3) Melbourne CBD street lamps turned into air monitors

Please note: this trial is not happening in Brooklyn but it is very interesting.

Street lamps could one day become Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) air monitoring stations – that’s the vision of a trial currently underway in Melbourne.  

The joint trial between EPA and CitiPower has seen air quality sensors placed atop street lamps on the Queen Street Bridge, providing a glimpse into the future of air monitoring. Read more

4) Next BCRG forum, March 8 - change to format and time
The next BCRG meeting will be held in ‘open house’ format at the earlier time of 4-7pm on 8 March at the Brooklyn Community Hall in Cypress Avenue.

We hope to attract a broader range of community attendees, who will be able to speak one-on-one with representatives from EPA, state government, Councils, and industry about their efforts to improve Brooklyn’s air quality.

There will also be a BCRG booth at the event – we would love you to stop by and tell us what you think about our normal BCRG format, and how it might be improved in the future.
All are welcome; please publicise this opportunity broadly within your networks….. and please let us know if your group or organisation would like to run a booth (stand) on the day.

5) The proposed 2017 Brooklyn Community Representative Group
Community Forum dates are: 
  •     Wednesday 8 March, 2017
    • Open House - Earlier time of 4-7pm
  •     Wednesday 26 July, 2017
  •     Wednesday 15 November, 2017
Brooklyn Community Hall, Cypress Avenue Brooklyn
Download Completed Actions list for 2016
Download updated Rolling Actions list

BCRG Advertising and ongoing publicity and posters
We have produced a promotional poster for BCRG and put a few up in community centres in Yarraville and south of the freeway but it would be great to get them posted in more places. If you would like to put a poster up the document is available on the Brooklynip website.
  • Other ways you can help is to use this text and the links to the website and Facebook in your promotional material/social media.
Are you concerned about dust, noise and odour issues in the Brooklyn area?
The Brooklyn Community Representative Group Community Forum (BCRG) is an opportunity for members of the community, industry, local and state government to discuss issues about the air quality of the general Brooklyn area. It also enables the communication of plans and progress by individual industries, local government and EPA
The next Brooklyn Community Representative Group Community Forums are
8 March, 26 July and 15 November 2017, 6.00 for 6:30 – 8:30pm
Brooklyn Community Hall, Cypress Avenue Brooklyn.
All welcome
RSVP Please to: Email: or phone: 0427 338 482


BCRG is on Facebook
and we'd love you ‘like’ it!

Help us reach a new audience.
Andrea and Jen are the administrators of the site – anyone wishing to contribute should message via Facebook or send an email to

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Andrea Mason

Executive Officer
Brooklyn Community Representative Group
Ph: 0427 338 482
PO Box 8001, Rippleside, Vic, 3215


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The contents of this update and any attachments are forwarded for information purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the views of BCRG, including the Convenor, Executive Officer or its membership. BCRG is not aligned with (or influenced by) any political entity or any one organisation. It exists for the purpose of facilitating community, industry, local government and EPA to work together to ensure that public concerns and aspirations regarding odour, noise and dust in the general Brooklyn area are consistently understood and considered. That being said, real engagement necessitates dissemination of a range of ideas, opinions and views in order to enable informed participation from a broad base.

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