CPI in the News
Read recent press coverage of our affiliates and their research:
The Future of Human Service Delivery
How can technological and scientific advances be harnessed to reduce poverty, increase opportunity, and support the well-being of America’s families? Submit a conference proposal to address that very question! Proposals are due by March 1, 2017.
Administrative Data Pilot Grant Competition
The CPI and Third Sector Capital Partners invite local governments in California, Oregon, and Washington to apply for services under a Social Innovation Fund grant. Grant recipients will receive assistance with data linkage and program evaluation for projects relevant to economic opportunity. Applications are due by February 17, 2017.
Having Children in Poverty
CPI research group leader Kathryn Edin explores why poor parents choose to have children in this five-minute video from our online course on poverty and inequality.
Engineering a Path Out of Poverty
Dr. Martin Fisher, co-founder of KickStart International, discusses how to develop technologies to improve lives and lift people out of poverty.
Tuesday, February 7, Huang Engineering Center, NVIDIA Auditorium, 7pm
Experiments in Unconditional Basic Income
What happens when people are given cash with no strings attached? This panel will discuss recent experiments with a universal basic income, including the Y Combinator Research pilot study in Oakland.
Wednesday, February 8, Tressider Union, Oak Lounge, 5:30pm
Inequality Never Dies Peacefully
Tracing the global history of inequality from the Stone Age to today, Stanford professor Walter Scheidel shows the crucial role that violent events have played in reducing inequality.
Thursday, February 9, Encina Hall, CISAC Conference Room, 12pm
Beyond the “English Learner” Label
Stanford professor Ramon Antonio Martinez discusses the importance of recognizing the richness of students’ multilingual repertoires.
Monday, February 13, CERAS Learning Hall, 12pm
Leveraging Economic Growth for Cultural Vitality
Risa Shoup, executive director of Fourth Arts Block, delivers the second talk in a lecture series exploring the role of artists, curators, gallery owners, and cultural workers in fostering an equitable and just city.
Thursday, February 16, Building 460, Margaret Jacks Terrace Room, 12pm
Disrupting Inequality for English Language Learners
Arizona State University professor Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos explores the nuanced, multi-layered, compounded educational inequality encountered by low-income, Spanish-speaking students in Arizona public schools.
Friday, February 17, CERAS 101 Learning Hall, 12pm
Nativism, Media, and the Linguistic Map
University of Virginia professor Hector Amaya examines the regulation of Spanish and Spanish-language media in the United States.
Wednesday, February 22, Black Community Services Center, Brandon Room, 12pm
Trust, Truth, and Technology
Stanford professor Jeff Hancock asks whether trust is one of social media’s most serious casualties.
Wednesday, February 22, Cubberley Auditorium, 7:30pm