
Whole School News from Mrs Buchanan, Headteacher 

Dear Parent/Carer of <<First Name>>,

The children have enjoyed another busy fun week of learning across the school which you will hear more about later in the newsletter.

Highlights this week have included the highly entertaining and creative assembly from Micawber class. Thanks to Mr Windle and Micawber class, we are now all experts on the Marine Iguana and the ecosystems of the Galápagos Islands. 

Mr Windle also launched the Readathon this week alongside Ms Pasanates. We would like all the children to be sponsored to read as much a possible during February. 'Read on' to find out more about this from Mr Windle!

Along with all the learning and fun, we have continued to be blighted by a flu-like virus which has led to staff and children being unwell. Over the last week your child's class may have been taught by a different teacher or higher level teaching assistant from the school. We use school staff rather than outsourcing supply teachers so that the children have adults with them that they already know and trust. As our teaching teams plan lessons closely together each week, the children's normal sequences of learning haven't been affected. 

I would like to thank Ms Gemmell, one of our Early Years Teachers (based in year 1 and 2) for teaching Copperfield class this last fortnight. We welcome back Ms Keer-Keer on Monday. Ms Gemmell will also stay in Copperfield to work alongside Ms Keer-Keer and Miss Chrsyanthou will move to Nickleby class to work alongside Mr Vanson.

New Rooftop Garden
We have only received a small number of entries for the 'design a rooftop garden' competition in partnership with our building contractors, Morgan Sindall. The deadline had been extended to this coming Monday (6th February)! Each child is coming home with paper on which to draw their design if they haven't already entered. Design can also be produced using paper, cardboard etc from home. There are some great prizes and the opportunity to influence the future garden space so please do enter.

Have a relaxing weekend and happy reading! 

Mrs Cassie Buchanan

Borough Market Charity Soup Sale
By Mrs Jamois

This coming Tuesday the 7th of February a group of children will be selling school-made soup using ingredients from our garden. The money raised will go to fareshare with every pound raised providing four meals for vulnerable families. The sale will take place from 12-2 so if anyone can come and support please pop along to buy some yummy vegetable soup.

Chinese New Year
By Mr Eggleton

On Friday, 27th January we celebrated Chinese New year by selling delicious food in our playground. I would like to thank all of the parents and staff who helped make this possible by hanging decorations, buying, cooking and selling the delicious treats.

As a result of all of this hard work, we raised £295.80 for our PTA. Thank you and well done!

By Mr Eggleton

Our RULER lessons are continuing regularly and the pupil’s language whilst describing emotions is certainly improving. Pupils are now more able to describe how they are feeling in a number of different scenarios which has helped us to support them even better.

Last week, I shared how to create a charter in your home as a starting point.

The next step, is to introduce the mood meter which I have included for your reference.

The four quadrants help pupils to name their emotions. The emotions which are included may be helpful but it is encouraged to build up your own vocabulary which you would use naturally. Then slowly start adding more words to each quadrant to teach your child a range of emotions. As you do this, it is important to discuss what these emotions feel like and look like. What are the physical changes to your body? Explain that each of us (in your household) show these emotions differently and you may not necessarily know when each other are feeling one of these emotions. What are the signs that they can look out for? Let each other know what these emotions feel like to you.

The mood meter is one of the main RULER tools and should be kept somewhere where everyone can see it. E.g. fridge door.

To start using the mood meter you may wish to participate in a group activity where you take 5 minutes to each share the answers to the following questions.

  1. Where are you on the Mood Meter?
  2. What caused you to feel this way?
  3. What word best describes your current feeling?
  4. How are you expressing this feeling?
  5. Given where you plotted yourself, what strategy or strategies will you use to get the most out of the day?

Mint Street

Southwark Council have confirmed that building works
will commence on Monday 13 February so there will be a small party on Friday 10th February to say goodbye to the existing building.

Please sign up for updates on after school activities
on the MUGA and the new building programme by emailing

Library and Reading News - Readathon

By Mr Windle
The Read-a-thon launched this week. Every child has been given a sponsor form to fill out, so I expect they'll be harassing friends and family alike for their loose change. Remember it's all in the name of three good causes: children in hospital who need access to books, our school library and getting your children reading. Please do support your child in the Read-a-thon!

Check out for more details!

Dickens' Island Discs

By Mr Young

Hello Charles Dickens Family

This week's Dickens Island Discs is a highlight from the Africa Express project's concert featuring the Orchestra of Syrian Musicians.  The Africa Express project is an incredible platform that offers established and emerging musicians from across the globe opportunities to be heard and to play with each other.  

If you want to know more, have a look here:

This week's selection is from the Orchestra of Syrian Musician's full concert features Damon Albarn singing a version of Out of Time.

Damon Albarn - Out of Time (feat. The Orchestra of Syrian Musicians)
Click to listen!


You can here the full concert here:

I hope you enjoy!

Mr Young

Year Five and Six

By Mr Windle, Head of Year Five and Six

It's been yet another busy week in the upper echelons of Key Stage 2. The week began with a bang with Micawber Class's assembly. The assembly was completely created by the children - they came up with every scene and the song. It was full of humour and fun as well as being highly informative about the Galapagos Iguana. Their were many excellent performances throughout the assembled cast: Rocco's Galapagos hawk was particularly droll, while Ore's pointy snouted iguana pulled on the heartstrings and Ayomikun's turn as a seaweed covered rock was as solid a showing as he's ever given. Well done everyone!

Across Year 5 and 6, the children have been creating their own gruesome Russian folk tales based on both The Firebird and Baba Yaga. In Summerson, Yousef's version of Cinderella was the most gruesome story Miss Jacobs has ever read! While in Peggotty, Phoenix created some highly original ideas. The budding authors of Micawber managed to make up a tale involving a knight who gets turned into a Lion-troll (you know the ones -  they live under bridges on the Serengeti) by a wicked witch; the knight then has to face his greatest fear in order to escape the curse. The problem is, he has no idea what his greatest fear might be.

In maths, the focus has been on percentages, at least 75% of the children have enjoyed them 100%. The other 25% only enjoyed them 50% of the time. I hope that's clear. We've been thinking a lot about percentage increases and decreases: such as when you're offered 25% off in a shop, how do you know how much the new price is? It's where maths meets the real world again, which the children have found motivating. Hamza, in Micawber, became very adept at calculating percentages of amounts as did Malachai in Peggotty.

There's also been a lot of computing this week, with Elizabeth in Barnaby absolutely loving learning about how computers spot errors and maintain the integrity of their data. If that isn't complex, then I don't know what is. 

Hold on to your horses, half term is on the horizon!

Year Three and Four

By Mr Cannock, Chuzzlewit Class Teacher

This week has been another busy week in Year 3/4.  In computing this week, the children were stunned by their teachers who each performed a mind bending mathematical trick using binary.  Before long, many children has developed their own theory as to how it worked. The talented coders then got a chance to really find out how it was done and got to try it out on each other! This was a fantastic lesson allowing children to explore how devices are programmed to check for errors in data transfer. The trick allowed children to spot exactly which card was incorrectly coded out of a square of 36 cards.  It was very impressive! 

In maths this week, we continued with our mission of problem solving by being learning to find the coordinates for French towns and cities on a map as well as being able to plot places on to a map, having only been given coordinates.  The children of year 3/4 accepted the challenge with alacrity and hugely enjoyed learning the names and geographical locations of some  obscure towns in France! 

Also this week, Year 3/4 have continued their ukulele (a word I’ve just realised I’ve always spelt wrong) lessons with Gordon. It’s been amazing learning to play the ukulele with the children who are picking it up with such apparent ease!  So far we have learnt at least 4 chords and played (whilst singing at the same time) as many different songs including Justin Timberlake’s Can’t Stop the Feeling!  

We’ve also been expressing our more creative sides thorough PE this term and this week was no exception. For the duration of this term we have been doing dance with our resident dance teacher from the Rambert dance company, Delene. Delene has been working on a wide range of different skills with us to a wonderful array of different genres of music. This week we learnt to swing dance which involved lots of high kicks, jazz hands and energetically sliding across the hall.  

Next week, our final week of this half term, each class in Year 3/4 will be attending the British Library to take part in a map workshop. Please, if you would like to attend and support us on the trip, let child’s teacher know. 

Mr Cannock

Year One and Two

Ms Alcock, Assistant Headteacher (Head of Key Stage 1)

This week, we have taken our fire based learning to the next level! We are taking it in turns to visit the Old Kent Road Fire Station, where we are finding out all about what happens when the men receive a call out. So far, Nickleby and Bumble classes have visited and Havisham and Copperfield classes will go next week. Many thanks to Mr Harris who helped us to arrange these special trips at his main place of work! Mr Vanson says that his class really enjoyed squirting fire hoses and the children all thought that it was very funny when Mr Vanson himself dressed up as a fireman! 

Back in class, we have been learning about what happens in a hospital, and writing explanations in relation to this. We are going to be well prepared for some excellent explanation about fire stations next week as Year One have been mastering capital letters and full stops and Year Two are looking at how to use time openers to link their sentences. Mr Oxenham was impressed by Nakai, Annam and Helenka's sentence sorting where they worked out where to place the all important full stop! Mrs Jenkins, Mr Oxenham and Mrs Shafia have also been busy checking children's phonics skills - please remember to let us know when you need a new box of key words for the children to practise at home. 

Nickleby Class (and the rest of the Year One and Two pupils and staff) would like to say a MASSIVE thank you to Miss Khan. It is her last week. She has been an amazing student teacher and has done a fabulous job. We will miss her very much! We wish her all the best with the rest of her teacher training course and hope that she will come back soon! 

Ms Alcock

Early Years

By Ms. Henderson, Head of Early Years

The Early Years has been a flurry of activity this week! In Trotwood the children read and retold the Indian tale of the Old lady and the Red Pumpkin.

They have been singing a song about the pumpkin rolling along and making heaps of food for the old lady to eat at her granddaughter's house. The children have also been acting out and retelling other known stories as well as making up their own epic pirate adventures.

In Reception it has been equally busy! This week they have been learning all about PANTS! PANTS teaches children children important messages, like their body belongs to them and they should tell an adult if they're upset or worried. The children have taken on board the information and displayed high levels of maturity. Be sure to ask them all about the Pantosaurus. More information can be found on the NSPCC website at - (scroll about half way down the homepage).

Ms. Henderson

Diary Dates


6 February 2017

  • Pickwick/Barkis trip to the British Library

7 February 2017

  • Peggotty Class Assembly

8 February 2017

  • Oliver/Barkis trip to the British Library

9 February 2017

  • Chuzzlewit/Barkis trip to the British Library

22 February 2017

  • Year 5 trip to the Royal Academy of Arts

24 February 2017

  • Year 6 trip to the Royal Academy of Arts

15 March 2017

  • Developing emotional intelligent children parent workshop 9.30am
  • Developing emotional intelligent children through mindfulness-Led by Mrs Pasantes and Ms McHale.

16 March 2017

  • Summerson Rambert performance at the Southbank Centre

22 March 2017

  • Reception Trip to Discover Centre Stratford
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