To Explore (Or Not), Employee Predictions Help Decide
Cultivate Labs recently worked with the Exploration group at a global energy company to transform how key strategic decisions are made. For example, instead of relying on a small team of people to make multi-million dollar decisions related to where the company should explore, the company requested input from the entire group. In many instances, the crowd’s consensus bucked conventional wisdom, leading to mid-course corrections in how the group executed its strategy and generated new revenue opportunities.
TinyCast is a free, “light" version of our prediction market platform. Only taking seconds to set up, TinyCast lets you get predictions from your team about deadlines, metrics, or even sporting events and awards shows. Since the release, we have gotten lots of positive (and constructive) feedback and continue to make enhancements every day. If you haven’t yet, try it out, tweet about it, and tell us what you think!
ILLINOIS TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATION Is Toxic Culture Killing Your Company? How companies can prep for the future by looking inward, from our very own CEO Adam Siegel.
THE NEW YORK TIMES The Pac-Man Creator
Dies at 91 Employees said he would play for up to 23 hours per day… the ultimate example of the phrase ‘drink your own champagne'.
Predicting the News
When alt-facts are all the rage, we turn to the crowd instead. Here are the headlines we’re predicting, what do you think?
Joke explanation:Use this board whenever Dad (or anyone else) starts telling bad jokes. Fill in squares when jokes meet key criteria. Did you think you heard the punch line, only the joke keeps going? Fill in 'Decoy Punchline'. Wait, is Dad doing his Terminator impression? Fill in 'Pop Culture Reference' AND 'Any Foreign Accent'. Etc.
*Wait, what in the world is A Pitchu? Eh, not too much buddy. What's up with you?
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