Tips and Updates!
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February Tips and Updates

We can't believe it's already halfway through February! There are so many exciting things happening at the clinic and we really wanted to let you in on it. 

Meet David Harmon, Lac, EAMP!
David is an East Asian medicine practitioner specializing in gentle acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. In the clinic, he combines superficial Japanese styles of acupuncture with herbal therapies to address various health concerns, including musculoskeletal pain, digestive disorders, kidney disorders, women's health, anxiety, depression, insomnia, skin problems, autoimmune disorders, as well as hormonal imbalance. He enjoys working with children, who respond well to the type of acupuncture he practices. He also speaks Spanish and Mandarin, and is happy to see patients who are more comfortable speaking these languages.
Meet Carrie Carrillo!
Carrie is teaching our cooking classes. They happen every Tuesday night from 6:30 to 8:30 in our clinic.
1st Tuesday of the month: Cooking basics. Everything from stocking the kitchen to making stock. 
2nd Tuesday of the month: Veggies! More than just steaming broccoli.
3rd Tuesday of the month: Proteins. How does one cook that? Come and find out!
4th Tuesday of the month: Grab bag. Everything from tasty desserts to 30 minute meals. 
Cold and Flu season tips:
Thyme is an amazing antiviral, antibacterial herb and when we are starting to get sick it's a great addition to speed recovery. Research has shown it is often as effective if not more effective than antibiotics or antivirals when you are sick! This tea can be made in large batches and reheated as needed in the day for easy use.
To make the tea: 1 teaspoon of thyme herb fresh or dry per cup of hot water steep for 5-10 minutes and drink through out day. 
Want a bigger punch use broth instead of water and add 1/2 teaspoon rosemary, 1/2 teaspoon oregano and 1 crushed garlic toe  per cup of hot broth. This can be drunk through out day. It's not only adds electrolytes that you need when ill but increases the antimicrobial affect of the thyme.  

Have a lot of congestion and just feel like nothing is moving? Try the wet sock treatment.
Wet Sock:
You will need: 1 pair of cotton socks, 1 pair of wool or thick fuzzy socks, pj's 
Start with getting the cotton socks wet with cold water, they can be put in the fridge while you shower or just in a bowl of icy water. Next take a very hot bath or shower, try to stay in the hot water of at least 10 minutes. The steam will help open up airways and increase your core temperature. Once out, dry off quickly and put on pj's as you do not want to cool down. Now, wring out the wet cotton socks and put them on. Over those put on the thick socks and go to bed. Often you will find the wet socks are completely dry by morning or after a few hours. This treatment will help your body's immune system by allowing for a fever to be induced thus killing bugs off and by moving the congestion from your head downward so that all that mucus will clear faster. 

New Website!
Schedule updates:
Kristine is now working 9-2 on Wednesdays. 
Nell is leaving us for yoga teacher training.
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