Memory, Art & Warfare

In Conversation with Award-Winning Author Stefan Hertmans

Tuesday 28 February, 19h00 for 19h30

The Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre in partnership with the Government of Flanders invite you to a special evening in conversation with Belgian author

Stefan Hertmans

exploring his successful book

"War & Turpentine"

Shortly before his death at the age of 90, Stefan Hertmans’ grandfather, Urbain, gave his grandson a set of notebooks.
As Stefan began to read, he found himself drawn into a conversation across the centuries, as Urbain – so quiet and reserved in life – revealed his eloquence and his private passions on the page. Gradually, as he learned of his grandfather’s heroics in the First World War, the loss of his great love, and his later years spent seeking solace in art and painting, a portrait emerged of the grandfather he had never fully known.

February 2017
Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre
1 Duncombe Road
Forest Town 2193

Booking is essential to or (011) 640-3100

Admission is free, 
donations always welcome.
Copyright © 2017 The Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre, All rights reserved.

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