
February 20, 2017

This Week in We Love Dreams

What are anima and animus?
Ok, we start with an easy question. That's a joke. Anima/animus is one of the most difficult concepts from Carl Jung to fully grasp. Over at the Jung forum at reddit, where I'm a moderator, we get a lot of questions about it. So I wrote my explanation and made it as easy to understand as possible. Ladies, start with the link below to animus. Guys, start with anima.
Understanding Anima
Understanding Animus

Fun with Dream Symbols
I was asked for my take on the dream symbolism of wheelchairs and zombies so I belted out a couple of blog posts you can find below:

Podcast Heaven
I had the pleasure of appearing on two podcasts recently, both featuring phenomenal hosts who asked great questions and offered awesome suggestions. Best of all, they make me sound like I know what I'm talking about. Haha!

Charm the Water - The host, Aaron, asks a simple question - my most memorable dream - and it opens a can of worms about a recurring dream that haunted me from childhood and led me to a shaman to resolve it. Then we interpret dreams from his listeners.

See You on the Other Side - The host, Mike, probes my system of understanding dreams and leads me to discuss a wide variety of dream symbolism.

Deep Thoughts
A dreamer is challenged to pass a variety tests and is told that he can live a tremendous life if he'll apply the lessons he learns in the dream. This one is a mind-blower:
Logos Dream

Reddit AMAs
Reddit Dreams recently hosted Dr. Michaela Schrage-Fruh to talk about her study of the parallels between dreams and storytelling.
AMA: Dreams and Storytelling w Michaela Schrage-Fruh

Metaphor in Dreams
Think of the action of a dream as "metaphor in motion." This insight will explain dreams that are otherwise inscrutable. Like this example, that appears to act out the metaphor "put your head on straight:"
Attaching Head in Dream

Thank you all for taking time to check out these offerings. Please spread the word by sharing this newsletter.

Till next time,
RadOwl, aka J.M. DeBord

Ongoing AMA with Susan Scott and Susan Schwartz at r/Jung

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